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Post #1: 18th Sep 2016 10:53:37 PM 
Boc @ 18/9/2016 21:14
Ole' Vern @ 18/9/2016 21:26
Hi Lurk Boc

##Lynch: Boc

hello (:

Not lurking, just busy!

I feel like you show up every day to check in and show that you're active and then are super quiet for the rest of the time. This post seems weird to me.
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Post #2: 18th Sep 2016 11:03:37 PM 
Chris25 @ 18/9/2016 21:15
KC @ 18/9/2016 21:38
I know I have said this before but I don't know how dr isn't the godfather or recruited cult.

I think we think about it every day, but no one wants to vote the claimed doc with no counter claim.

I don't see how she is doc and still alive.

Same. If she was Godfather and fake claimed doctor though, I feel like at this point with thirteen people left, SOMEBODY would step forward and counter claimed. If I was doc and I knew someone was lying about it and there were only thirteen people left on day 6 with both scum and cult in the game, I'd risk coming forward. However, recruited cult? Looking at it from Grim's perspective, I doubt she risks recruiting on night 1. Day 2 claims start coming in, and that night Rose's is one of the most visible. Everybody else who claimed early and died, (Vlady, Angi), didn't show up as cult. So who did Grim recruit?

But town is now down the Insane Cop, Real Cop, Tracker, Watcher, and Bulletproof. I don't know if risking taking out the town doctor because she *might* be cult is going to be the safest idea. If Rose goes we lose another power role if she's legit town doc. At the same time though, town might need to take a big risk to turn the game around, because there are likely two-three scum still lurking around and two-three cult, (I don't think Grim would risk recruiting night 1, if she did though then that's four cult). The thing about risks though is that if that one didn't pan out... well, we'd be really fucked.

Without the information gathered from investigative roles, we have to pick our poison when it come's to risking who we lynch. I'm certainly not going to be the one to try to lynch the claimed town doctor with no counterclaim, but I am growing increasingly curious why she hasn't been either A. Killed or B. Recruited.
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Post #3: 18th Sep 2016 11:16:10 PM 
eh, before I go away for potentially the rest of the night

##Lynch Boc, that answer and the general lurking gave me a weird vibe. Am open to change, I just want to see more.
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Post #4: 19th Sep 2016 9:17:57 PM 
Well shit, this is what I get for not being able to log on until an hour before deadline. I'm not scum, what do I need to do to prove it?
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Post #5: 19th Sep 2016 9:24:01 PM 
Moose @ 19/9/2016 20:19
give us scum? You've got time. Deadline is midnight.

Oh cool, for some reason I was under the impression that it was 10 pm EST. I'm catching up now, apparently the last minute switch to Herm is the reason I'm being targeted? And something about a "scum slip" regarding Grimapple, let me go back and read through.

For the record, I had no problem lynching Henry and no reason to believe that he was town, and specifically mentioned that I wasn't going to tie the vote last minute to save him. But I logged on right before deadline and saw (from my impression) what was a random train on Henry and got sketched out. All I did was express that I was kind of confused and got a weird vibe, and then you switched your vote Moose. I followed suit, but I didn't tell you to switch from Henry to Herm. From my perspective, logging in with just a few minutes left, it DID seem sketchy because at least Herm had been talked about as scum for a while, Henry seemed to come out of nowhere for me.

I can claim if I need to?
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Post #6: 19th Sep 2016 9:42:39 PM 
Boc @ 19/9/2016 0:07

As for suspicious, here's a post I wanna bring up, from Vic on Day 4:

True, Ahoda's Curtis scan means he could be insane cop and Tim is actually town and real cop, but then why would he get a scum scan on Grim? Seems like a stupid move if he was actually scum because as soon as she flips he's done, he can't even claim insane cop anymore.

This is a really weird post. It's got all the makings of a reflecting on everything already said post, but then there's "why would he get a scum scan on grim?" And "as soon as she flips he's done" especially. Vic seemed to be assuming that either Tim was lying or Tim was wrong with his scan of Grim.

It feels like a slip to me. The impression I'm getting, especially after grim's flip, is that Vic knew grim wasn't on the Mafia team. His posts that day while staying on the cop were all really scummy but this one stands out to be

This is the "slip" I'm getting targeted for? Jesus, look back on all my other posts that day, I type a fucking lot and like to analyze every possible scenario and I had MULTIPLE posts that were filled with paragraphs. That particular one you quoted wasn't an accidental slip, I didn't finish that first part analyzing what Tim would do as real cop before jumping into the mindset of if he was scum. I had spent all day analyzing the different scenarios of how Ahoda would act as real cop, insane cop, and scum, and how Tim would act as real cop, insane cop, or scum. Looking at my dozens of paragraph that day, I made a mistake in one of them and switched from one mindset to the other.

In the first sentence I was discussing if Ahoda was insane and Tim was real, and then I talked about how it would be stupid for Scum Tim to fake claim cop just to get rid of Grim, as soon as she flipped town he would be done and likely unable to claim insane cop (due to his town reads on Shadow and Vern).

That second part of the first sentence reads as a wrong transition, why would I go from "as a real cop, why would he get a scum scan on Grim?" to "seems like a stupid move if he was actually scum, as soon as she flips (town) he would be done"? That first sentence I likely jumped in my head to talking about why Tim would say he got a scum scan on Grim if he was scum and completely lying, look back on all my other posts that day and it's what I talked about.

This is so freaking frustrating, I know I'm typing up a fucking essay, but honest it wasn't a fucking slip, I just overanalyze shit and make a wrong jump.
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Post #7: 19th Sep 2016 9:47:08 PM 
Ole' Vern @ 19/9/2016 20:42
Vic @ 19/9/2016 18:17
Well shit, this is what I get for not being able to log on until an hour before deadline. I'm not scum, what do I need to do to prove it?


Funny you said that because according to the info on your account, which says when you logged in last, you logged in 2 hours after you were lynched by us.

Yeah dude, I don't work Monday's and the local gay bar irl had my friend performing as a drag queen that night so I went to watch her act. That's why I said in my Boc lynch on page 2 that I was going away for potentially the rest of the night. I got home wasted and checked Facebook, Twitter, etc. and also opened up this game tab. I honestly don't even remember really reading anything, I'm sure I did, but I was wasted. I slept in, woke up hungover, and have been running errands all day. Like do I really have to explain logging on when I'm drunk at this point?
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Post #8: 19th Sep 2016 9:50:00 PM 
I know, I didn't work today, so I could afford to go out and get trashed
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Post #9: 19th Sep 2016 9:50:48 PM 
Ole' Vern @ 19/9/2016 20:49
Consider this lynch an intervention

If I want to get wasted before my days off and watch drag queens attempt to do death drops then I fucking will, this is fucking AMERICA
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Post #10: 19th Sep 2016 9:53:39 PM 
I mean, fuck, I just explained that "slip" which makes no sense as a slip and much more sense as me just not finishing a thought considering the sudden transition into Tim being real cop and Tim being scum, and I... logged on right before deadline saying that I found the random train on Henry to be slightly suspicious? I specifically said that while I was sketched out I wasn't going to tie the vote, Moose was the one who did that. I just hopped on to support. And I'm not throwing shade in Moose's direction either, I think he felt the same way I did at how that round's vibe, like some kind of faction (whether cult or scum) was directing that lynch vote.
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Post #11: 19th Sep 2016 9:58:37 PM 
Moose @ 19/9/2016 20:53
so Vic, who would you lynch today?

Going for suspected cult? I'd say Nofo

But tbh with pretty much nobody left who is claimed other than Rose and no information to go on at this moment, I'd say a Dylan or Henry lynch would be just as good. If we looked shady by being unnerved by Henry's train since it seemed too easy, I'm more than happy to lynch him. Me expressing nervousness was less about saving him or going after Herm as it was feeling like a faction was manipulating things. Or another lynch option is Dylan as a slightly random choice, but if he flips scum goon then good for us, and it's not it's not like he's going to be a power role that we've seen since I doubt he's used any night abilities. An inactive kill is the safest in my eyes, as either Dylan or Henry.
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Post #12: 19th Sep 2016 10:00:09 PM 
Moose @ 19/9/2016 20:55
I didn't tie the vote. It was already tied when I had voted for Henry, and switching to Herm didn't tie it either.

Yeah, sorry, that was a misstype on my part, (which I hope shows that in my defense, the "slip" that Boc caught was just me doing the same thing).

I would have had to tie it which I wouldn't have done, you unlynching and lynching made it safe to join you. I didn't have to hop on that train with you, but if you felt the same way that I did, I wanted to show that I trusted you, (which I specifically said when I did it lol). I'm going to be so frustrated if that fucks me over.
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Post #13: 19th Sep 2016 10:05:48 PM 

I mean, I obviously am not in a position right now to be choosy on which inactive goes over me, but that is the safest bet for town. I'm not scum, and I'm definitely not cult, and people should be wondering why today seems so easy if I really did a faction of two or three other people backing me up. This lynch on me was determined in about five pages. Five. If my scum buddies or fellow cultists wanted to sway it, they would have easily been able to. I obviously have nobody protecting me, and neither faction can afford to roll over and let one of their people go so easily if they could avoid it, which they could. Assuming scum has two or three people left, that puts them down to just one or two. Same with cult.

If people felt sketched out by Henry for some reason, I'm more than happy to go for him over Dylan, or vice versa.
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Post #14: 19th Sep 2016 10:06:08 PM 
*If I really did have
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Post #15: 19th Sep 2016 10:07:37 PM 
I have two hours left to try to survive, and I really really want to because getting lynched for those reasons which I think I explained VERY well enough is so frustrating.

##Lynch Henry
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