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DAY 1; Enough of this bollocks
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The Instant Classic
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Post #211: 9th Sep 2016 6:49:07 PM 
We have until 9 PM est.
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Post #212: 9th Sep 2016 7:03:49 PM 
dried plums
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Post #213: 9th Sep 2016 7:13:28 PM 
what'd i miss?
dried plums
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Post #214: 9th Sep 2016 7:21:40 PM 
##lynch Wikey

don't think I have much choice here (:
dried plums
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Post #215: 9th Sep 2016 7:23:25 PM 

##lynch Vernon

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The Hedhunter
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Post #216: 9th Sep 2016 7:37:26 PM 
Angi @ 9/9/2016 19:23

##lynch Vernon


This post seems like something scum would do.
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Post #217: 9th Sep 2016 7:49:42 PM 

So confused on whour to lynch.
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Post #218: 9th Sep 2016 7:59:44 PM 
A question I get asked a lot, is why I'm a firm Atheist. I usually don't know how to respond, as it's a pretty deep question that has a lot of significance for me. So, for anyone who ever asked that, here is my definitive response. Please stay respectful, and I'm honestly not searching for a debate, so this post is just to clear stuff up for the people who always asked me this.

And also a fair warning: I'm staying respectful, but if you are easily offended: this is not the place for you.

Now, let's move on. Here it is:

Humans run in circles trying to prove the existence of God, when it's rather simple; everything around us, is nature running its course. We - humans - are all stardust that will one day be wiped out, our earth will continue orbiting in the darkness of space, and be just as insignificant as it was before organisms were developed.

Noone will ever know that a thing such as the 'human race' ever existed.
It's common that humans try and comfort themselves with thoughts of that an 'afterlife' or anything of the sorts awaits us after our ultimate demise. It's nothing but a coping mechanism because people truly ~are~ afraid of death, and panic at the thought of nothingness.

When we sleep, we are unconscious, we don't expierence anything, or even acknowledge anything for that matter. Just pure nothingness until we wake up, the only reason why we have dreams is because of brain activity. If it weren't because of that, our slumber would have no significance. Same goes for when we are dead, and our brains obviously don't function then.

Also, I'm a firm believer of the 'Santa Theory' which is technically; humans are gullible. It's proven when at a young age already, we believe in stuff such as Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny. We continue believing that with firm belief, it isn't until we acknowledge our surroundings and the behaviours of others that we piece stuff together - but that's because the ones around us are aware that 'Santa' does infact - not exist.

But when one does not have the knowledge of if something is true or not, and they continue telling their children that it is; children shall continue believing it whilst growing into adulthood because the ones they look up to believe so as well. The cycle continues going on into further generations. It further blocks out the ability for children to critically think when they grow up, as they are forced upon one view whilst growing up, and were told not to question it. Which is my main problem with religion. The pure force that is put upon children.

And to further support that, the 'Snowball effect' plays a role as well. Going back to the notion of that humans are generally extremely gullible: the entire prospect of religion started off as a story, through time people have slowly forgotten it was a story, and clung onto it as 'fact' through times of hardship.

After time goes by, humans forget it started off as a story. (Speaking in convincing theoretical terms ofcourse)

Also, the fact that there are so many religions around the world says something.. why would there be so many religions if there is supposedly only 'one truth'? People bicker back and forth about which religion is right or not, and it's all rather silly.

Humans continue to kill one another in the temporary debate of: WHICH RELIGION IS RIGHT.

Taking into consideration that humans also have a lot of imagination. Topics such as resurrection is honeslty stuff you'd find in a high fantasy novel, and it's silly to think that something like that can even remotely happen. In fact, it's scientifically impossible.

Also, history proves that belief in gods -whichever god- is only temporary. Greek gods being a prime example, one day, our religions will be in the history books, and will be mocked upon the same way greek gods are mocked upon now, as other Gods will have most likely been formed by then within the minds of the gullible creatures known as: humans.

So, with this in mind, am deciding to ##Lynch Wikey
'Oh my god, it's full of stars!'

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Egg, I dreamed that I was old.
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Post #219: 9th Sep 2016 8:38:33 PM 
##unlynch Boc

looks like it's time for Wikey to brexit
Attack commences in 30 seconds.
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Post #220: 9th Sep 2016 8:39:57 PM 
Wikey: 6 (KC, Grim, Vernon, Shadow, Boc, Miko)
Boc: 3 (dr, Herm, Spin)
Henry: 2 (Vlady, Jeff)
Vernon: 2 (Henry, Moose)
Curtis: 2 (Tim, Ahoda)
Ahoda: 1 (Chris)
Vlady: 1 (Nofo)

20 mins left
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The Hedhunter
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Post #221: 9th Sep 2016 8:46:06 PM 
Miko, I tried to explain that to the Mormons.

That is when I got demoted from the coloring book list to the stickers. A tragic day in the life of Keith Charles.
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Spending love and peace!
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Post #222: 9th Sep 2016 9:07:31 PM 
Wikey you shit. Farlig, you know what to do.
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Post #223: 9th Sep 2016 9:25:48 PM 
Wikey: 6 (KC, Grim, Vernon, Shadow, Boc, Miko)
Boc: 3 (dr, Herm, Spin)
Henry: 2 (Vlady, Jeff)
Vernon: 2 (Henry, Moose)
Curtis: 2 (Tim, Ahoda)
Ahoda: 1 (Chris)
Vlady: 1 (Nofo)

The ginger sat slumped at his computer, headphones blaring Beatles tunes as he somewhat comprehended what was going on behind him. Plastered as fuck, Wikey lifts his beer at the computer and shouts.

"You cunts!"

On his screen rests a single message.

Due to abuse of this account, it has been permanently banned from Further Entertainment

Administrator's Note on this ban:


Wikey has been banned!

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Name: Wikey
Alignment: Mafia
Role: Strongman

FE's resident brit and secondary ginger, Wikey is a cunt who plays instruments. When he's not delaying the trial of a certain mad king, Wikey is either posting drunk or cosplaying David Bowie.

Oh, and Wikey has also joined with Roos to ward away the fleet of regulars who want FE back. As a member of the mafia, Wikey pent up rage can make him the strongest member of the team, even if it's only for one turn. One night phase and one night phase only, Wikey can be sent out to do the kill where his kill will be unstoppable against all attempts to protect and bulletproof.

It is now Night Phase 1! You have until Saturday, 7 PM EST, to send in your night actions. Please use your role thread in your journal to do so.
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