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GAME OVER; The Overlook Hotel
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Post #1: 5th Nov 2018 10:14 PM 
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Welcome to The Overlook Hotel

Glen and Isaac led the dwindled group through heavy snow. "We're here!" Isaac said. "Welcome to The Overlook."

The group looked ahead and saw a massive, impressive hotel. They waded through some thick snow some more before finally reaching the front door. They opened up the double doors and stepped into the lobby.

Empty. Not a person in sight. Not a single sound echoed through the many hallways.

Before the group could begin to explore the massive interior of The Overlook, Rose produced the flamethrower from earlier and pointed it out towards the group. Everyone turned to face her, raising their hands and backing up a step.

"Uhh..what is this?" Shawn asked.

"yea" added Shadow.

Rose kept a firm grip on the flamethrower and motioned for Glen and Isaac's help. Just ten minutes later, the remaining seven group members were tied against various chairs and couches throughout the Overlook lobby, all under the threat of the flamethrower. Rose began to speak

"We're gonna draw a little bit of everybody's blood. Cause we're gonna find out who's a Thing."

TiB looked confidently at Jackie who was tied up to his left. Jackie was a little less sure about TiB.

Rose continued. "Watching Nav back there gave me the idea that every part of him was a whole."

Brian sat on the other side of Jackie and looked mildly annoyed.

"Every little piece of Nav was an individual animal...with a built in desire to protect its own life."

Henry looked a little bit confused and a little bit stoned, but he nodded along attentively to the speech.

"You see when a man bleeds...it's just tissue."

Shadow and Rose were tied together on two chairs facing back to back. Sweat dripped down each of their foreheads, the closest two to the fire roaring in the lobby's fireplace.

"But blood from one of you Things won't obey when it's attacked, it'll try to survive....crawl away from a hot needle lets say." Rose said as she heated the stripped end of a wire with the low heat from the flamethrower's muzzle.

im317 gulped. He struggled in his bonds a bit, but it was futile. He gazed into the end of the flamethrower as Rose finished preparing the test.

"Now...lets find out who is who."
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Post #2: 5th Nov 2018 10:16 PM 
Rose picked up the blood sample labeled 'town hero not third party'. She finished heating up the needle and gazed over the other seven.

"Now let me show you what I already know." she said confidently.

Rose dipped the hot wire straight down into her small blood sample. The tip of the wire fizzled as a bit of smoke spouted upwards. Rose was clean.

"Bullshit..." im317 spoke out. "This doesn't prove anything."

"I thought you'd say that, you are the other strong candidate for third party. I'll do you next." said Rose.

He looked on as she reheated the wire and lifted the sample labeled 'third party survivor'. Rose held the sample in her left hand, the heated stripped wire in the other, and jabbed the wire into the blood.....


The blood didn't stir. im317 was cleared.
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Post #3: 5th Nov 2018 10:18 PM 
Rose set down the flame thrower and moved over to 317. She untied him from the couch that the lone Henry now remained on. Brian, Jackie, and TiB sat across from Henry on another couch. Shawn and Shadow remained back to back tied to two different chairs.

Rose tossed im317 a firepoker.

"It's better than nothing." she said as she grasped tightly onto the flamethrower.

317 scanned the various blood samples before settling on one that piqued his interest. It was labeled 'princess'. It belonged to Shadow.

Shadow squirmed a bit. He looked nervous.

Rose heated the stripped wire up again and plunged the needle into Shadow's blood as the sight of his own blood made him squirm...


No reaction. It wasn't Shadow.

"told u." he said.
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Post #4: 5th Nov 2018 10:22 PM 
im317 set the firepoker down and moved over towards Shadow, quickly untying him from the chair. Shawn now sat alone against Shadow's empty chair with his back to all the action.

"lemme c" said Shadow as he grabbed hold of a blood sample. It was labeled 'meta'.

"Is it mine?" said Shawn as he tried to crane his head backwards to look.

Rose answered affirmatively. She heated the needle up.

Shawn, with his back to Rose, 317, and Shadow, could only gaze ahead at the large Overlook staircase before him. Sweat flowed down his forehead. He was ready.

Rose dipped the wire into the blood...


Nothing but a puff of smoke. Shawn sighed with relief.
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Post #5: 5th Nov 2018 10:24 PM 
Shadow untied Shawn from his chair and the two rejoined 317 and Rose. There were just four left.

Henry squirmed in his chair.

"AYE. I'm innocent rly, I just wanna eat townies. each night I was like YO GLEN WHERE ARE MY OPTIONS?! and he just reminded me that I was only able to eat-"

Rose interrupted and dipped the hot wire into Henry's sample....


"das right, tssss brrrrrrr, now lemme outta these ropes!"
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Post #6: 5th Nov 2018 10:30 PM 
Just three remained, all tied together to one couch. Brian on the far left, Jackie in the middle, TiB on the far right.

Henry was untied and joined Rose, 317, Shadow, and Shawn on the clear side.

"sheeeeit, there's scum on that couch of trusted people - WHATEVER." Henry said in disbelief as he looked over Brian, Jackie, and TiB.

"And yet someone is lying." added 317.

Rose heated up the wire again. "Let's find out who."

She grabbed the blood sample labeled 'curser' and eyed Brian, who looked straight back unphased. "Go right ahead." he said.

As was the routine, Rose held the blood sample in one hand, the hot wire in the other, and dipped it in...


A horrible shrieking sound let out as Brian's blood shot outwards from the small sample cup upon contact with the needle. A startled Rose fell backwards, dropping the blood, the wire, and the flamethrower to the ground.

"IT'S HIM!" someone screamed out.

All eyes turned to Brian, whose own eyes were now black and dead. He began to convulse on the couch.

"BURN HIM!" Jackie and TiB screamed, who were tied directly next to him.

Brian transformed. His head caved in and was replaced by unnatural looking tendrils. They shot upwards and collided with the chandelier above, anchoring him to it.

Brian's ropes began to peel away as his arms twisted into razor sharp claws. Jackie and TiB could only push away in vain as their ropes held them in place.

Then, Brian shot upwards. He broke free of his ropes and pulled himself up towards the chandelier before crashing back towards the ground. He wasn't Brian. Not anymore.

He stood before the group as a deformed creature. Blood and pus oozed out of every natural orifice as unnatural orifices began to sprout up all over.

The Thing lurched towards im317, ready to take a victim down with it.

"BURN IT, SHADOW." Rose yelled out to a panicked Shadow. "BURN ITTTTTTT!"

Shadow fidgeted with the flamethrower and tried to strap it over his shoulders.

317 prepared for the worst as he was armed with nothing but a fire poker. Henry and Shawn ducked for cover. Brian lunged towards 317...

And was met with a stream of fire. Shadow caught Brian's left side and knocked him away from 317 just in time, confidently squeezing the trigger as hard as he could. The flames engulfed Brian, who writhed around the Overlook hotel miserably as the group continued to panic.

Shadow pressed on. Another burst of flame shot out and collided with Brian, whose inhuman, high pitched shrieking echoed through the foyer and caused everyone to press against their ears.

The Thing finally fell backwards and crashed through a glass coffee table. The fire roared on as the group backed away from it. Henry and Shawn freed TiB and Jackie from their ropes and pulled them to safety.

The Thing's movements began to slow. Its joints were burnt to a crisp and stopped bending so easily as they became further and further charred.

The shrieking died down.

Brian was dead.

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Post #7: 5th Nov 2018 10:35 PM 
The group celebrated. The terribly capable final girls, that little shit Damien, and now these two...things. All bested.

Glen and Isaac congratulated the survivors on a job well done.

"It took you some time, but you did it! You survived the hunt with your heads still on your shoulders." Isaac said.

Glen opened up the double doors to the Overlook and motioned for the group to leave. One by one, in unison, they all filed out.

Henry, aka The Creeper.

Jackie, aka Regan.

Rose, aka The Candyman.

Shadow, aka Freddy Krueger.

Shawn, aka Ghostface.

TiB, aka Norman Bates.

and finally im317, aka Jaws, who somehow swam through the deep snow and followed the group closely behind. Ostracized. Cast out. Teased for many years by numskulls who said he didn't belong in a horror roster. Well, he proved them wrong. He proved them all wrong.

The merry band of psychopaths pranced away from the Overlook as the sun set behind them, shrouding the area in darkness. Just how they liked it.

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Post #8: 5th Nov 2018 10:36 PM 

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Post #9: 5th Nov 2018 10:37 PM 

The Thing lurched towards im317, ready to take a victim down with it.

This is how you KNOW it wasn’t me anymore. I would never!!!
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Post #10: 5th Nov 2018 10:37 PM 
Curtis @ 5/11/2018 22:35
and finally im317, aka Jaws, who somehow swam through the deep snow and followed the group closely behind. Ostracized. Cast out. Teased for many years by numskulls who said he didn't belong in a horror roster. Well, he proved them wrong. He proved them all wrong.

im actually crying
d ( i n o s r o a ) r
"She essentially tore apart the Hex Girls with a simple STAT"

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Post #11: 5th Nov 2018 10:38 PM 
congrats on final 7!!!!!

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Post #12: 5th Nov 2018 10:38 PM 
Nice flavors!
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Post #13: 5th Nov 2018 10:38 PM 
gg Town (and everyone) thanks for playing! Hope you all had fun

Final thoughts and some sorta HOF/HOL will be posted by Josh and I tomorrow
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Post #14: 5th Nov 2018 10:38 PM 
hey guess what i was town
d ( i n o s r o a ) r
"She essentially tore apart the Hex Girls with a simple STAT"

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Post #15: 5th Nov 2018 10:38 PM 
I knew you picked Brian, you shit! lol
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