Much fresher, since there are so few people in the room, that is.
You stumble into the meeting room. Only seven now? Seems hard to believe.
But wait- weren't we eight? Looking around, Zersch is nowhere to be found. As is the ritual, you head to his room to investigate.
Zersch is lying on the floor of his room. Blood leaks out his ears, almost like he was killed by a terrible, godawful noise. In searching his room, you find this awesome striped shirt and black blazer. You also find a handwritten note that says "Town, I will never give you up. Never."
Zersch was: Rick Astley (serial killer turned town)
Song: “Never Gonna Give You Up” – That’s right. You rickroll people to death. They will be found in the morning having danced themselves to death.
You cannot be killed at night because nobody can ever stop rickrolling.
You win if you survive to the end of the game. (changed to win with town)
(Unknown to player- The rickroll is unstoppable and inescapable. Cannot be rollblocked, redirected, or commuted from. If target is BP, they get an earworm of the song that kills them first night they are no longer BP.)
(If Rick is converted, loses permanent BP)
This is a sad moment for everyone. You take a few moments to console yourselves, wondering who could ever give Rick up like that.
After a short time, you notice that Buffy and Maddie both appear a bit sullen. When you try to ask either one, they "don't want to talk about that bitch."
Buffy and Maddie have broken up.
Breakup songs played: “No More Words” – Removes the lovers connection between two people
No I tried to make Zersch's kill unstoppable but mafia kill takes precedence over Zersch's kills.
Or that's how I thought order of operations was wroking, or they resolved at the same time. Either way I thought Zersch's kill would go through if I made it unstoppable.