General Rules
1. Be active in the game no matter what your role is. Inactive players will get left in the game, but will potentially lose . Everyone's role can be important.
2. Do not talk about the game outside the thread, unless your role specifically allows it.
3. Do not quote anything sent to you in a private message. Use your own words if you want to pass along the information.
4. Ask the mod if you have a question about anything. If it isn't something you would know, I'll say so.
5. Have fun. It is a game. Play to win but also play the game to enjoy it.
6. Try to post at least once a day phase.
7. Do not edit the content of your posts. It is not fair if you post something that some people get to see and others don't. Breaking of this rule can result in a quick death by MOD. The MOD is allowed to edit his/her posts. If you do an updated vote count and edit it we will be lenient since you're doing us a favor.
8. Try to stay on topic.
Vote using ##lynch <lynch target> ex. ##lynch spin It helps the mods if you make this separate from any text, but we'll try to follow along. For your lynch vote to count if you want to move it to another player,
you must unlynch first.
10. Some of the roles come from Some of the roles are modified from roles listed there. Others are completely made up by me.
11. I am available to be online most of the time, but if a deadline is reached and I'm not around, someone with the ability to lock the thread should do so.
12. Lynches are done publicly with a needed 50% +1 votes for a kill. (e.g. With 20 alive it will take 11 votes for a lynch). No lynch is allowed and I expect someone to bitch about it Day 1 if anyone votes for that. Plurality may or may not be in play, depending on the day, so pay attention to Day openings since they will indicate the deadline and the vote type for that day. When plurality is in effect, ties will be addressed by sudden death.
13. Days will typically last around 24 hours, with weekends counting as a single 24 hour period.
14. Additional rules will be added as I think of them.
Game Specific Rules
NO CHARACTER CLAIMING OF ANY TYPE!. Roles, actions, and possibly alignments are based on the actual characters from the movie. If you character claim, you will be modkilled for incompetence. There are no exceptions to this rule. Even hinting as to your character will constitute claiming, and will get you modkilled. If you haven't played one of my games before, you know I wield that ban-hammer strongly and are not afraid to use it.
2. In addition to voting to lynch a player each day phase, there will also be an election taking place each day. Our new martian overloads love screwing around with the humans, so they will force two players each day to play Rock-Paper-Scissor at the end of each day phase. Each player will have the ability to elect one player to participate in this game, and the two players receiving the most votes will compete. Ties will be broken by random draw of the mod.
You elect a player by typing ##Duel <player>. You do not need to ##unduel someone in order to switch your votes. Additional rules about the games will be posted below.
Rules of the Duel
1. The two players who have been selected by the group (or the mod in case of ties) will each be required to submit via PM to the mod,
five total "throws". A "throw" is one of "rock", "paper", or "scissors".
2. The contest will be Best-of-three (first to two victories is declared the winner), and the mod will resolve the contest after each player submits their choices.
3. If after the first three throws, no one player has reached 2 victories, then the extra throws (#4 and #5) will be used to potentially resolve the battle.
4. If no player has successfully won the battle after the 5 throws have been contested, then a draw is announced.
5. The winner of each duel will have the opportunity to gain a small token of appreciation from the holders of the game, while the loser will gain a minor penalty. Prizes and/or penalties may (or may not) stack over successive games.
If you have any questions, please ask the mod for clarification.