I decided to make a thread for my silly lets plays I occasionally make.
I made a few videos based on games people posted on the playmygame sub on Reddit to use as backup videos for NYABBPE. I had to end up using one of them. This is the other one I had uploaded to youtube that I could have used. The commentary is better but the game wasn't funny/shitty like Shit's Locked. There's a third even funnier/shittier game, but I don't have that one uploaded.
This was actually a pretty well made game and I give the guy who made it a lot of credit for doing it without an engine. Pretty impressive based on what little I know about making games.
This is.... Doge Warrior:
d ( i n o s r o a ) r "She essentially tore apart the Hex Girls with a simple STAT" LUCK CREATOR | HEART HACKER | BUY GOLD BYE
Let me get this straight: You play as Captain Kirk, he has a long arm, barks, shoots corrosive spit out of his mouth, and hurts himself when he stomps on crawling fetuses while avoiding the flying monkeys from Wizard of Oz?