Welcome to Tribal Council. Both tribes here tonight for a double vote off! You will be voting off one member of your own tribe here tonight. PM me who you wish to vote within 24 hours. You know the drill.
Natalie and Jeff cannot be voted for tonight. Both have Immunity.
Now the HII is in play, you should know how it works. If you find the HII and wish to use it, please a notification with your vote that you wish to. If you deide later on you want, make sure you PM me ASAP. If all votes get in without you using the idol, votes will lock and you will have missed your opportunity.
Now the HII is in play, you should know how it works. If you find the HII and wish to use it, please a notification with your vote that you wish to. If you deide later on you want, make sure you PM me ASAP.