Big Brother Chronicles: The Beach House is an alias Big Brother game.
This means that you will create an identity that you play as. This will be strictly enforced. If there is even a shred of evidence that you are revealing yourself to anyone, you will be removed from the game. Do not apply to this game if you cannot keep your identity secret.
The game will be conducted over AIM and this board. This is the first time I am using NDIMForums, so please bear with me if it is a bumpy ride.
The game will not work like U.S. Big Brother. While there will be a Head of Household competition, vetoes will be random. Moreover, each player will have the opportunity to impact nominations. Every round, players will give two "nomination points" to two different players. The player(s) with the most amount of nomination points per round will also be nominated.
If you have any question about the rules, please IM me at Earthb0undm1sfit.