Players Alive: (3)
1. Ahoda
11. Penner
14. Rodney
Players Dead: (11)
12. Cody - Kashmiri Citizen -- Stoned D1
Player: Cody
Role: Kashmiri Citizen (VT)
Ability: Player has no active night action.
Win Condition: Eliminate all threats to the Kashmiri |
4. farlig - Kashmiri Councilman -- Killed N1
Player: Farlig
Role: Kashmiri Councilman (Town)
Ability: Player targets two players at night. Those two players are informed that they can not target each other with votes or actions for the following day/night phase. If the action were to fail on any one target, it will fail for all targets.
Win Condition: Eliminate all threats to the Kashmiri |
9. Herm - Iranian Shia Martyr -- Killed N1
Player: Herm
Role: Iranian Shia Martyr (Unaligned)
Ability: Player is not happy with the expansion of Sunni Muslim teachings into the Kashmir valley region. Player wins if they are killed at night, but player loses if they die by any other means. Each night, player can choose to stay in their residence or choose to visit a target (effectively a hider action). If the target they visit is killed, they will also be killed. The game will not end when the player meets their win (or loss) condition.
Win Condition: Be killed at night.
7. Vern - Pakistani General -- Killed N1
Player: Vern
Role: Pakistani General (Mafia)
Ability: If player is targeted by any other players during the night, they will learn who visited them. Additionally, player has a 1x "ninja" ability when carrying out the factional kill where they will kill via drone strike (i.e. the kill doesn't count as a visiting action). Player must specify if they are using the drone strike when submitting the factional kill action.
Win Condition: Eliminate all threats to the Pakistanis and have 50% (or greater) of the remaining players. |
13. Gmaj - Kashmiri Border Agent -- Stoned D2
Player: Gmaj
Role: Kashmiri Border Patrol Agent (Town)
Ability: Player selects a target at night and can ask one of the following questions (see list below). Once the list is exhausted, player can ask one question (of their choice) a second time.
1. "Can I See Some ID?" - Player will receive the nationality of their target
2. "Do You Have A Work Visa?" - Player will receive a basic description of their target's role
3. "Are You Here For Business or Pleasure?" - Player will receive a result of Vanilla or Not Vanilla (vanilla = no active night action)
Win Condition: Eliminate all threats to the Kashmiri
8. Nav - Kashmiri Underground Doctor -- Killed N2
Player: Nav
Role: Kashmiri Underground Doctor (Town Mason)
Ability: Player can select one target to protect from a single attack at night. If the player successfully saves their target, the player and target will have access to a private forum for the remainder of the game. Player cannot self-protect.
Win Condition: Eliminate all threats to the Kashmiri |
10. Jay - Kashmiri Defector - Killed N2
Player: Jay
Role: Kashmiri Defector (Town)
Ability: Player visits a target each night. If the target is Pakistani, player will join the Pakistanis the following day. Player starts with a Kashmiri win condition and will count as Kashmiri in any factional counts until the day they defect. Hidden from player: if all Pakistanis are eliminated before player finds a member, player will automatically convert to Pakistani.
Win Condition (for now): Eliminate all threats to the Kashmiri |
3. im317 - Pakistani Muadhin - Killed N2
Player: im317
Role: Pakistani Muadhin (Mafia)
Ability: Player can select a target at night and put out a call to prayer. That player will have to stop what they are doing and go to the mosque to pray (effectively a roleblock). Player cannot call the same target to prayer on consecutive nights.
Win Condition: Eliminate all threats to the Pakistanis and have 50% (or greater) of the remaining players. |
5. Stargate - Kashmir Mining Agent - Stoned D3
Player: Stargate
Role: French Kashmirir Mining Agent (Unaligned Town)
Ability: Twice during the game, player can place a bomb on another players residence at night. The bomb will detonate and kill any at-home targets as well as anyone who visited your target that evening. Player also has a 1-time bribe action that will automatically trigger to prevent the first kill attempt on the player. At any point in the game, the player can choose to join a known faction. If joining a faction, player will lose any remaining bombs and bribes they have left (basically become vanilla), but will gain the win condition of that faction and count as a member of that faction towards meeting their win condition.
Win Condition: TBD Eliminate all threats to the Kashmiri |
2. Curt - Kashmiri Patriot - Killed N3
Player: Curt
Role: Kashmiri Patriot (Town)
Ability: On odd nights, player selects a target and will track their movements that night phase. On even nights, player targets another player with a kill action.
Win Condition: Eliminate all threats to the Kashmiri |
6. Lamp - Kashmiri Citizen - Stoned D4
Player: Lamp
Role: Kashmiri Citizen (VT)
Ability: Player has no active night action.
Win Condition: Eliminate all threats to the Kashmiri |