Cant wait for this. BF3 and 4 back in college with my roommates is probably my favorite gaming experience ever. This looks like it'll capture the same chaotic energy for sure
might pick this one up, especially if I'm able to get a 3080 or PS5 by then (who even knows). The weather effects look great
no campaign kinda sux tho, but I'm probably in the minority on that. Especially with the Frostbite engine being as great as it is I like getting a chance to soak it in a bit more in singleplayer instead of JUST the chaos of MP
It looks great but it'd kill my laptop and I still haven't been lucky enough to get a new card :(
newegg shuffle is the best way to get a card right now. what are you looking for and I can try to help you out.
Been trying to get a 3070 or 3080 for a while now using a discord server that sends a message when something comes in stock without much luck. I think you mentioned it or something that pointed to it actually lol.
I'll take a look at the shuffle, but I won't be in the US for the next month which might be a problem.