One World
Winner: 8/10 (Another Rob kind of thing.....Kim was dominant, but no competition)
Entertainment: 6/10 (Actually pretty funny, but also very annoying)
Cast: 2/10 (They're stupid, they're annoying, they're for the most part just not great people)
Gameplay: 2/10 (Another new season that's just a pagonging with a couple of exceptions)
Winner: 7/10 (Is Todd better now life-wise? Solid winner)
Entertainment: 7/10 (Courtney and James are two of my favorites when it comes to confessionals/laughs and others are good as well + awesome location)
Cast: 7/10 (Very nice cast, memorable pre-jurors and a nice amount of All-Stars)
Gameplay: 6/10 (Todd and friends kind of just steamroll everybody, but the double idol blindside was pretty awesome)
I loathed OW at one point, third strike after RI and SP. Now I just kind of don't care for it, but China still wins easy.