Winner: 6/10 (Sandra is amazing, but Parvati played a great game as well)
Entertainment: 9/10 (20 of the most entertaining Survivors ever in one game makes for great moments through out)
Cast: 10/10 (Classic Survivors + best of the new school)
Gameplay: 6/10 (For a season with so many idols, it kind of ends up as a classic season of tribe v tribe then a pagonging)
Winner: 7/10 (Earl is underrated)
Entertainment: 6/10 (Four Horsemen and their fall, YauMan, Dreamz)
Cast: 5/10 (A small group of memorable players, but mostly duds)
Gameplay: 5/10 (The twist sucked all the life out of the early gameplay and then dumb decisions cost people a shot during the post-merge)
Fiji is underrated a bit, but HvV is my favorite season ever |