There once was a man named Gurgahorsefatslimeslime. He changed his name to Vernon because Gurgahorsefatslimeslime is a stupid name. And everywhere he went, people would say "Isn't that Gurgahorsefatslimeslime who now goes by Vernon?" | There once was a man named Gurgahorsefatslimeslime. He changed his name to Vernon because Gurgahorsefatslimeslime is a stupid name. And everywhere he went, people would say "Isn't that Gurgahorsefatslimeslime who now goes by Vernon?" To which he would reply "first of all don't talk about me behind my back and second there is a lot of deep family history to the Gurgahorsefatslimeslime name but even so I go by Vernon now for various reasons mostly involving societal norms so if you don't mind just say Vernon and we'll all be ok, capishe?"
One day Gurgahorsefatslimeslime, now as we know, also known as Vernon, met a peculiar lad named Burfburfliquorlicensewow. Burfburfliquorlicensewow was dying. For you see, Burfburfliquorlicensewow was so lonely that he was dying, that is, until he met Gurgahorsefatslimeslime, who, as a reminder, is now known as Vernon.
From that point, Vernon, formerly Gurgahorsefatslimeslime and Burfburfliquorlicensewow, formerly Steve, went on several dates. |