This is so hard to watch. I haven't read the synopsis for this movie and even I know this cat is retarded. These asshole keep taking advantage of him. I'm not sure who is the biggest piece of shit up to this point.
First old guy to die doesn't put the guy he's let live there his whole life in his will.
Louise for leaving him there knowing he can't take care of himself.
The inheritance people for telling him to get out of the house.
The rich people's doc for obvbiously knowing he's not capable and making sure he won't sue the family for hitting him with their car.
The only people that are excempt are the kids on the street for threatening to cut a cracker.
I'll try to watch the last hour and half today but this movie angers me and I'm not sure if I can.
so the woman kisses this guy whose clearly retarded with her dying husband in the other room. Yes he sort of gave her his permission. But seriously come the fuck on. Then she walks in on him in the morning eating cereal and cookies while watching Mr Rogers and she’s trying to smash. Da fuck? Isnshe stupid?
Ok time to finish this movie that is seriously making me angry