What was kind of scary about this episode was the fact that if this technology was available i 100% know people that would jump at the chance to be able to do this.
It started 10-15 years ago when parents started pumping their kids with ritalin and did everything they can to keep them numb so they didnt ever have to experience negative emotions or any kind of emotional trauma.
The way Sara reacted when she was finally able to be taken off the leash seems to be a pretty standard one similar to when kids today are old enough to be taken off their behavioral meds, either they rebel to the point of beating the shit out of parents or they become such fragile snowflakes that their fragile emotions can't handle the use of a word.
So as a whole, i thought the episode was really good and i drew a lot of similarities between the helicopter parenting of the mom and the kind of shit that goes on every day in our society. |