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#FEMINAZI's; No boys allowed
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Post #1: 27th Jan 2015 10:54 PM 
Boc @ 27/1/2015 21:40
even if false accusations are as "rare" as some of you are saying (which, how can you even prove that any more than you can prove that there's so many unreported?) is that the false accusers get off so lightly most of the time. Like in that Brian Banks case that Chris posted, she didn't get any criminal charges levied against her. The worst "penalty" she got was that she got sued and lost the money she originally won for damages, but no jail time whatsoever. And even then that only happened because Banks secretly recorded her confession, he would've probably never gotten exonerated otherwise. The punishment for false accusations should be equal to if not greater than a sentence for a rape charge tbh. Otherwise, while committing perjury isn't exactly a risk-less thing to do, it's a whole lot less dangerous if you're only getting a relative slap on the wrist if you get found out

I hate the double standard and that I have to tell my son things like, "don't ever get into a her word vs. your word situation. They will always believe the girl."

There are unfortunately many women in situations where they feel they can't report abuse. Not going into the reasons, but trust me, they exist and it sucks.
A lesson without pain is meaningless. That's because no one can gain without sacrificing something. But by enduring that pain and overcoming it, he shall obtain a powerful, unmatched heart. A fullmetal heart.
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Post #2: 28th Jan 2015 6:03 AM 
Nofo ☭ @ 28/1/2015 0:55
I was talking about the issues you, Kiwi, Natalie, Boc, and Curtis bring up constantly. "BUT WHAT ABOUT THE MENZZZZZZZZ"

While I appreciate that you've listed me among good company, pretty sure my one comment hardly qualifies as constantly. I believe very few here know my true opinion of how men and women are treated.

Nofo ☭ @ 28/1/2015 0:39
Natalie said that cops will believe the woman.

Also, please note, no where did I say cops.

Patrick @ 28/1/2015 1:14
Sometimes these debates are a nice change from the FE norm, but you lose me when it turns into trying to undermine one another and trivialize the other side. Rape and false accusations are serious issues that can and will ruin people's lives.

Well said!
A lesson without pain is meaningless. That's because no one can gain without sacrificing something. But by enduring that pain and overcoming it, he shall obtain a powerful, unmatched heart. A fullmetal heart.
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