I missed this but yeah I will think of something. So it best be something we never got around to listening so it’s new for everyone, or something just released, or it does not matter?
I’ll nominate The War On Drugs - A Deeper Understanding
It’s a little out of my comfort zone because of the more classical rock sound rather than the indie / folk that I’m usually into. Their song Pain is so strong, but I never checked their full album, so may as well go for it!
If too many ppl already know them then lemme know.
I took the freedom to listen to my own July pick over the last few weeks and this is what I think of it:
It’s decent. It’s probably an album that ppl into older rock songs rave about, but for me it’s just not something that I can enjoy listening to for 50 minutes straight. It all gets a bit repetitive after a while, to me at least and I did not take enough of an effort to really check out the lyrics.
I do believe this album can grow on me a lot though and I wouldn’t be shocked if it becomes one of my favorite albums. But it needs time, these songs are not easy on the ear.
Absolute highlights are Pain and Holding On. I can listen to Pain on repeat the whole day and Holding On is the best when driving.
The opener sounds p weak, probably the weakest song on the album. Then after Holding on the album kind of fades and I lost attention easily. Then Thinking of a Place is another very strong song imo.
Idk I may give this a few more spins as the album really intrigues me and it’s nice to explore something different.
I’ll give it a 7 right now but this may easily change.