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Poll of the Day #138; Have you ever?
 Poll Question: Have you ever...
Put yourself in mortal danger
10 Votes
Pocket dialed someone
14 Votes
Been robbed
5 Votes
Made someone cry
21 Votes
Asked a woman when she was due and she wasn't actually pregnant0 Votes
Eaten pet food to see what it tastes like
8 Votes
Fired a gun
11 Votes
Met someone famous
13 Votes
Had sleep paralysis
5 Votes
Mistaken a couple for parent and child
7 Votes
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Joined:Jun 25, 2012
Post #1: 14th Nov 2017 4:40 PM 
Tick all that apply
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10000 Rats
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Reputation: 135
Joined:Jun 25, 2012
Post #2: 15th Nov 2017 4:21 PM 
Put yourself in mortal danger - Not intentionally

Pocket dialed someone - Pocket dialed the police during a jam session. Must have sounded awful

Been robbed - Not that I recall

Made someone cry - Yeah. My sister when we were kids and some of my cousins when growing up lol.

Asked a woman when she was due and she wasn't actually pregnant - No. Echoing others, idc so I wouldn't ask anyway.

Eaten pet food to see what it tastes like - I had hamsters growing up, and there was a treat you could get for them that looked just like chocolate buttons. One day, I wanted to see if they tasted like chocolate buttons too.

They didn't.

Fired a gun - No. I could probably go to a farm and shoot a shotgun if I wanted to. But I don't.

Had sleep paralysis - No.

Mistaken a couple for parent and child - Yeah. When I worked behind a bar I was serving a young girl who was with a much older man, and I asked her what her dad wanted to drink. She informed me that the 'dad' was actually her boyfriend. And she didn't look too happy about it. Ugh.

ok next poll coming
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