Two is the only one I haven't played but the entire series is so fantastic. I definitely need to download it. My friend says that it's her favorite game of the series so I too have high hopes!
It's gotten shit on by critics and you know, I can see why, but there's a certain charm and playability to it reminiscent of early Ratchet and Clank and Crash Bandicoot. Knack is a great new face for the Playstation family and I'd be excited to play as him in the next All Star battle game!
I'm glad they kept mostly the same game mechanics that ACIII had. The jump from Revelations to III was amazing. The only qualm I had about the III gameplay was the naval missions, and Black Flag definitely fixed all of the issues I had with sailing. It looks beautiful on the PS4, it has an interesting plot, and Edward Kenway is a dynamic protagonist whose sole motivation in life is to be rich and famous. He's not this heroic warrior who does things for the good of everyone, and I like seeing games break the protagonist cliche. Stellar game so far.
I'd also love to do a sort of Outlast playthrough so you all can hear my terrified screams but I'm not really sure how the Playstation 4 share feature works!
Still playing ACIV. I'm at a point in the story where i don't feel like going forward so I'm just completing all of the side missions of every single location in the game and trying to completely control the West Indies!
Also not sure whether I want Infamous: Second Son when it comes out or if I should save my money for Watch_Dogs.