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R-ay Seven
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Post #1: 20th Aug 2017 10:04 PM 
locked in town: 317, Spin, JJ, Zersch
highly probably town: Drr, TIB, Mittens
neutral: Timmah, Primate, David
would shoot/lynch: Lamps, Angi, Curtis
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Post #2: 20th Aug 2017 10:06 PM 
Timmah @ 20/8/2017 23:01
THE GREAT DR @ 20/8/2017 21:59
Timmah @ 20/8/2017 22:59
If lamps is scum, so is 317. In my non expert opinion

Why's that?

It was something I was thinking yesterday while,reading back on lamps posts

don't tie me to him.
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Post #3: 20th Aug 2017 10:16 PM 
Curtis @ 20/8/2017 23:15
It seems I am 100% scum depending on the flip of about three different people

Bring it on. Off with their heads

given Mittens claim, if hes telling the truth then i think you are scum 95%.
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Post #4: 20th Aug 2017 10:25 PM 
Curtis @ 20/8/2017 23:17
im317 @ 20/8/2017 23:16
Curtis @ 20/8/2017 23:15
It seems I am 100% scum depending on the flip of about three different people

Bring it on. Off with their heads

given Mittens claim, if hes telling the truth then i think you are scum 95%.

why tho?

because i thought his block on Dadd(i think, its all running together, but there being a block was the key) was you. if it really was Mittens then you are the least open about things.
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Post #5: 20th Aug 2017 10:39 PM 
since it doesnt look like people are asking me questions right now im a go watch Ballers and Last Week Tonight(if there was a new episode idk) if im not to sleepy after i will check back in.
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Post #6: 20th Aug 2017 11:59 PM 
THE GREAT DR @ 20/8/2017 23:41
IM317 why did you think it was curtis who blocked dadd

THE GREAT DR @ 20/8/2017 23:41
oh wait did you mean the block on spin?

spindoctor02 @ 20/8/2017 23:43
THE GREAT DR @ 20/8/2017 22:41
oh wait did you mean the block on spin?

Mittens blocked me N4 (according to him).

I want to know why Mittens blocked me, and then when there was a kill N4 (and all SK already dead), did he come for me right away on D5? It's obvious I couldn't be a killer (if he blocked me), so why did that make me more scummy in his eyes?

honestly i lost track of which block it was. just that there was a block night 3 or 4 that i thought was Curtis but now we have someone else taking credit for. as for why i thought it was Curtis, its the same reason i knew there was a re-director of some kind by the end of day 1 and was fully confident Spin wasn't bluffing about having a lie detector.

im town inventor. i had 4 inventions to give out

the gun i tried to give Spin night 1 that ended up with Dr. chose Spin because i thought he would be level headed with it.

night 2 i gave Spin the lie detector because i was still trying to figure out what kind of redirection was in play.

night 3 i gave Curtis a pocket watch that let him role block someone. i picked him because i was afraid the more clear town would be killed. i forget when but at one point i said i leaned scum on Curtis until i went back and saw there was a unexplained block. i had thought he either didn't use it and/or didn't mention even receiving it. then when i realized there was an unclaimed block i assumed that was him and it hadn't gained any useful info so he just didn't mention it.

night 4 i gave Zersch a mirror that let him see who visited him when he used it. picked him because i thought my other top town reads were more likely to be killed, thought tbh the mirror kind of sucked since you had to use it on yourself.

as for my role selfist, i could not give myself anything. i could only give out 1 item a night and only during the night. the items had to be used at night, except the lie detector which could be used at any time. also the items could be used the same night i gave them out.
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Post #7: 21st Aug 2017 12:24 PM 
JJ @ 21/8/2017 1:18
im317, could you pass the items out in any order you wanted or did you have to pass them out in a certain order or on certain nights?

i could pass them out in any order.
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Post #8: 21st Aug 2017 1:59 PM 
well played
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Post #9: 21st Aug 2017 2:07 PM 
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