Grandpa: Hello son, I'm going to tell you a story.
Grandson: No, that's okay. I'm going to play video games.
Grandpa: I think you'll really like this story.
Grandson: Okay, go ahead. *rolls eyes*
Grandson: Wait, is this a kissing book??
Grandpa: Be patient, it gets better.
Grandson: Will there be any violence?
Grandpa: Yes some. Do you think you can handle it?
Grandson: Grandpaaaaa. I'm not a little kid. *rolls eyes*
Somewhere in Florin, an evil group of miscreants are plotting to take over the country. They are talking about doing all sorts of bad things in the process. It is your job, as town, to stop them!
Grandpa cleared his throat and continued reading The Princess Bride.
"Chapter 1: 'TT's Tragically Brief Cameo'.
As I was saying... a long time ago in the land of Florin, evil was afoot. Prince Humperdinck, the King's wicked son, was determined to start a war with Guilder, the sworn enemy of Florin. He would stop at nothing to achieve this aim. All that stood between him and his goal was the good people of Florin. It is against this scene that we start our tale, a romantic story of true love between a farm boy and a Princess" -
"This IS a kissing book!" the Grandson moaned. "Come on Grandpa, do we have to read this?"
Grandpa looked up in amusement.
"Why you haven't even given it a chance! I was just getting to the good bit."
"Well...okay," The grandson said skeptically.
"Now where was I? Oh yeah..."
In the streets of Florin a mob was forming, preparing to deal out some medieval justice...
"First person to mention a sports team I don't like will get my love in the form of a lynch vote," Spider yelled.
"Red Sox lol" Nav said.
Spider glared at Nav and rounded in on him, pitchfork at the ready. Nav smirked at her as she approached.
"Heyyyyy you guuuuyyyyyyyyyyys!!!" Brian said, joining in on the fun.
Curtis walked out of his house into the busy street.
"Is anything fun happening or no?" he asked nonchalantly. Getting no response he shrugged, turned around and went back inside. IM317 was distracted from the commotion, looking forlornly down at his favourite boots, ruined after getting them wet on the inside.
"Lynch Spin," Ahoda shouted. "Fuck that guy!" -
"Grandpa stop! This book has cussing in it, are you sure you should be reading this to me?"
Grandpa shrugged. "I heard worse when I was your age. Now...are you going to let me finish this chapter or not?"
"Okay, okay!" the Grandson said, surprised to find that he was eager to know what happened next.
The crowd grew more restless.
"Who is missing?" someone asked.
"TT!" came the reply.
"Let's get him!!" Primate shouted eagerly.
A huge lynch mob formed, surrounding TT
Spin, Ahoda and Jamie rushed forward and grabbed TT by his arms and legs. As everyone else rushed in TT was hoisted up into the air. He was torn apart limb by limb.
"Whyyyyy!? Whyyyyyyy!?" TT screamed in agony, as blood spurted everywhere
The mob backed off and...and..." -
"I don't remember it being this violent" Grandpa said. "Maybe I shouldn't-"
"What happened next?!" The Grandson asked eagerly. Grandpa carried on reluctantly.
The mob backed off and formed a circle around TT, who was lying on the floor, limbless. He was still alive, but only just. Christian stepped up to finish the job.
"Good riddance scum," he said, before caving his head in with a rock.
A very faint sound was heard right before the life was crushed out of TT's body...
TT has been lynched.
TOWN Character: Ancient Booer Role: Booer Player: TT
You are an ancient woman and you have a lot to say (although nothing very positive). Each night you must choose to visit a player. You will unleash all sorts of boos and insults upon them: "BOO, BOO, BOO, RUBBISH, FILTH, SLIME, MUCK," etc. This is set text which will be PMd by the hosts.
Win condition: You win when there are no remaining threats to town.
[Hidden from player: Nobody hears your boos - you only exist in a dream.]