1. Committed grand larceny - No
2. Cheated on my partner - No
3. Had a sexual dream about a friend - Yes
4. Taken credit for someone else's work - No
5. Cheated on a test/exam - Yes
6. Keyed someone's car - No, but I wanted to. One time a car parked way too close to me in a parking lot so my son spit on their windshield, though.
7. Slashed someone's tire - No
8. Gone sky diving - No, I was always going to but it's not on my bucket list anymore.
9. Read anything in the Igor Hip Hop thread - lol No
10. Cried in public - Yes of course
12. Been paint balling - No
13. Had sex somewhere in public - Yes
14. Gave someone a wrong number on purpose - Yes
15. Told KC's dad you are in love with KC - No
16. Got into an elevator and quickly shut the door so no one else could get on with you - Yeah, but usually I just pressed the > < button because I'm impatient. | Biggest takeaway from this poll - Maddie has cheated. |