it was GOOD. I think I would've enjoyed it more had I not gone in knowing that people are saying "IT MADE ME CRY SO MUCH IT'S JUST AS GOOD AS TS3!!" cuz it def wasn't. Like others have kinda said this felt like an epilogue/footnote to the story. It was FUN but didn't really pull on my heartstrings at all like the other ones did (even though I liked it more than 2 (I think) that one at least had the great When She Loved Me scene)
Forky def stole the show for me, I could've used more of him. The mid-credits bit with him was maybe the funniest part of the movie
The animation was def great, it was especially noticeable in the opening scene in the rain which seemed almost LIFELIKE. They were really showing off how far they've come since the first one there
Gabby Gabby was good and I liked the antique shop scenes in general, though her character change seemed a bit ABRUPT. I feel like they could've spent more time on her
And yeah it was weird how relegated all the non-Woody/Bo Peep characters felt, especially Buzz who was pretty one-note through the whole thing
I liked TS3 all the way through but the ending does bump it up quite a bit for me. I don't think that's really a knock on it though, a good ending is maybe the single most important element of a movie for me. And the emotional punch it had had nothing to do with the series itself, it was more that it was a perfect portrayal of letting go of one's childhood