I loved the guy’s reaction when she pulled her finger bandage out of the turkey |
he captured my reaction perfectly | I'm between a 7 and an 8 on this one. If I didn't know this was based on real events I maybe would've expected a little more from the ending? But definitely sits better in context/knowing this was a bit of catharsis for them. All the family interactions felt really organic too (for now obvious reasons)
I actually liked the cord scene even if it was a bit superfluous (: Reminded me of myself whenever my parents/grandparents ask for computer help
The cinematography was rly good for the budget. Definitely helps that they didn't have to spend much of that on actors
"HEY GRAB ME ONE OF THE LEGS!"/the dad's hysterical laughter during the turkey scene made me lol. I appreciated that character even if he was a bit unlikable
Krisha shaking her dog's head somehow was one of the more shocking moments to me during her relapse. HOW COULD SHE!! | The music, at least in some scenes, reminded me a lot of Punch-Drunk Love. Just like that movie it did a great job inducing a sense of anxiety |