Man, that was one of the best episodes this season. I actually like Adam now. Even though I suspect production let Jay pick one more person than they would've just so Adam and his brother would get more screentime
AND ZEKE'S FINALLY GONE HOORAY! He seriously reminded me of an even more annoying version of Spencer by the end. Was p shocked to see Will actually voted for Zeke after all (: I thought his reactions to Adam playing the dick idol were because he was upset that his vote was being overruled, it's incredibly fitting that his attempt at a big move was overshadowed and will look much better for Adam's "resume" than his. It was fun to see some life in him though. Definitely wasn't expecting it
And apparently Ken's an idiot WHO KNEW! His "I just want to find people who are as genuine as me" confessional was also incredibly narcissistic. I still like him but this episode definitely knocked him down a couple pegs for me. Jay's easily my favorite right now