I'm still getting to know most of the characters but so far I really like Pharah, Soldier:76, Winston, and Lucio
and ya Reapers are annoying af to play against. But that probably has a lot to do with me being Winston the majority of the time (: Widowmaker/Hanzo can be annoying too if they have a really good person playing as them, but Pharah and her jetpack is usually a pretty good counter to them I've found. Vry satisfying when a sniper is camping out and picking off a bunch of people and you can just fly up to them and shoot them in a face with a rocket
I think I've gotten three triple kills so far, but no quadruples
This game has me so addicted right now, don't think I've had this much fun playing a shooter since like Battlefront (the originals). I was playing a lot of the random character matches yesterday to get more of a feel of everybody and now I think I'd go something like:
This game looks fun as hell. I've gone back and forth on buying it every single day since it has been released. I've never really gelled with FPS games, but everything about this one makes me want to give it a shot.
I'd definitely give it a shot. I've never really been a serious FPS fan but this is the most addicted I've been to a game in a long time
First 3 competitive games I tried to play, someone quit within the first 20 seconds. STOP QUITTING
Yeah, this is the main thing that's soured me on competitive. I seem to have the worst luck with people quitting when my team's actually doing well for once. That combined with the fact that a loss seems to be weighted way more heavily than a win is really annoying
don't really see myself using her much (unless I start using a mouse) but I'm glad there'll be another healer, everyone playing as Mercy/Lucio all the time gets a bit stale
I have a feeling that sleep dart is gonna make me rage kwite a few times tho (: Definitely will make people somewhat rethink how/when they use their ults at the very least