"Host Jedd is my favorite." - Eddie's last will and testament
Played by: Dylan Alignment: Mafia Role: The Goon
"why does my nametag say Joe? well, i can explain. my full name is Joseph Edward Gonzales, but my father is a cheap man. he would not pay to get Joseph put on my uniform when i first went to work for him, extra letters to expensive. i wanted my uniform name to say Eddie as that is what my friends call me, but my father said that he didn't name me Eddie and he would not have me wearing my preferred name well representing his company. see he is still upset that i dont like the tradition of giving your son your first name as there middle name, which is why i asked my friends to call me Eddie in the first place. its religious tradition carried from South America by his great grandfather, but i dont like this tradition." - Eddie
Played by: im317 Alignment: Mafia Role: The Henchman
This was easily the toughest vote yet but I went with Jedd tbh. I loved every one of his posts from the first few days, and if he had survived longer I think he'd be destroying right now. Not that Eddie wasn't amazing in his own way too