Game: Lab 2
Played By: Ari
Role: Humanist
Quote: "Malarkey, I don't care what my win condition is. I WIN when you die, whether by my hand or not. That is all. :) " - Wikey
Death: Beheaded by Wikey.
Memorable Moment(s):
- His bitter rivalry with Wikey.
- His extreme cockiness, thinking he had the game all figured out.
- His fights with Jeffrey.
Wilt Silverstone
Game: Lab 3
Played By: Dylan
Role: Lonely Twin
Quote: "In the words of the future people... Catch you on the flop side. Hopefully I said it right." - Wilt
Death: Eaten by Leviathan.
Memorable Moment(s):
- His turbulent love affair with Brie.
- The fishing trip from hell.
- Swinging the hatchet at the very Queen he swore to protect.
- The drama of the statue room, where he switched roles with Mark and was ousted as (former) scum by Marek. | Wilt kinda annoyed me at first, probably because of all the Brilt stuff. But after the fallout in the statue room I really started to like him and was really sad to see him go. |