I enjoyed it for the most part.
You really get a sense of the tone right from the beginning. I thought the camera work and editing were the best parts. I love all the wide-angle long takes. Very slow and HYPNOTIC*****
I'm also split on the hypnosis reveal. After we learn what the killer is doing, every scene with him in it is extremely tense. You really have no idea what's part of his process and what isn't. Holding the reveal to the end might have still worked, but it also could have made everything much more confusing. HARD TO SAY.
I love it when the detective starts suspecting he might be under hypnosis. The scene where he finds his wife is just so fucking weird. Also, the scene with the psychiatrist hallucinating is trippy.
I got pretty lost at the end of the movie. And even after reading about the ending, I still don't really know how to feel about it. Seven has such a large build-up/release where as this remains slow and consistent throughout. |