I've given a speech in front of a large (100+) group of people
Never a crowd that big no
I've reported a crime to the police
I've given a witness statement but otherwise no
I've lost a permanent tooth
YEAH :( Aside from my wisdom teeth, when I was in kindergarten I got my face smashed into a wall and shattered my FIRST ADULT TOOTH in the front so now it's a cap. There's a good chance I broke my nose during the same incident but everyone was so focused on the tooth that I never got that checked.
I've stepped on a nail
TECHNICALLY?!? You know those big parking lot dividers with the huge spikes nailing them to the ground? One day, I was talking on the phone to someone (never a good thing) and was balancing on one of those dividers. I was wearing flip flops because of course I was, and stepped wrong. The flip flop slid out of the way and my foot had about 2square inches of the skin on the bottom ripped off by the spike. It actually hurt less than you'd expect and I just kinda treated it myself after ending the call and hobbling back to my dorm room while trying to make sure all the blood didn't get all over. It healed completely and now I can't even remember which foot it was.
I pay for music
do i look like the kind of person who enjoys music, let alone pays for it????
.......yeah i do
I have a trip planned this summer
Nothing planned but I might just take a day trip to NYC or something
I've ridden a skateboard
Nope. I tried a friend's for like a second and got freaked out because I don't have a good sense of balance which is probably really obvious from the other things I've answered on this poll
I've driven through a red llight
I've been inside a cavern
Yeah a few times. I've done little cave tours in my area, and when I went to Bermuda. I also went on a few tours of old coal mines as school field trips
I've missed a flight
I've dropped my phone in a water source
Many times
I've dyed my hair an unnatural color
yeah, I dyed it violet brown for a while. I MISS IT. It looked really good once it started to fade out and I didn't look like Lydia Deets anymore
I've been on board a helicopter
YEAH! When I went to Niagra Falls as a kid. It's another weird example of "things that don't set off my fear of heights." Helicopter= fine. Standing on a chair? Not fine. But to be fair I'm more likely to get myself killed standing on a chair (:
I've called a family member (that you do not live with) in the last 7 days
I've researched my ancestory
I haven't but my mom's dad is big on it so I know a lot from him. Mainly that one of my ancestors married his cousin, killed his father-in-law/uncle with a metal pipe, fled the state, remarried, and named his new children after the old children he abandoned. Great guy.
My dad's started doing the genealogy stuff now, too. He just sent in a DNA test. Grandma's real excited to see if she's actually a jew.
I've been punched in the face
Nope |