Put yourself in mortal danger
Yeah. As a child, I believed all cats were cuddley and friends.
I still believe this because it is true.
Pocket dialed someone
I honestly don't think so
Been robbed
Someone tried to steal my cookies once and I punched him but otherwise no
Made someone cry
Yeah. Multiple times. Good.
Asked a woman when she was due and she wasn't actually pregnant
I don't care when anyone is due so no
Eaten pet food to see what it tastes like
I said no but I remembered just now I wet my finger and tried to eat bird seed once. It wasn't great
Fired a gun
I've had the option but no
Met someone famous
I insulted an astronaut once
Had sleep paralysis
Ya it was horrifying because it was right after a lucid dream gone wrong and when I closed my eyes again the dream continued
Mistaken a couple for parent and child
I've never cared enough about random couples to mistake them for anything |