Not really anyway. NEAR MISSES:
I have a collection of something
I have a small beanie baby collection, but I actually have never personally bought a single one. They were all gifts from my aunt. Since she died I haven't had the heart to get rid of them. I guess the nice thing to do would be to pass them along to her grandkids instead but then I have to deal with who gets what so I'm just going to keep them all until they're worth the millions they all claimed they would be. I also have a large amount of nail polish, markers, and Steam survival early access games made with Unity, all of which go mainly unused.
I've applied to be on a reality show
Nope. One of the Survivor open casting locations is about a 15-20 minute walk from my house though so I plan to eventually drop in and make a fool of myself.
I've been on a cruise
I've been on a boat, and they called it a cruise.
I believe in ghosts
No, but I really like ghost stories and ghost-themed stuff. It's one of my favorite subjects.
I've thrown up from drinking
I have a strong phobia
Heights but not enough to trigger panic attacks or anything and only under weirdly specific circumstances.
I've won a contest
SORT OF. I was once 11th out of a top 10 but someone declined so I won. I was also once published in a book of poetry my mother entered me into when I was about 4 years old. You were required to buy the book and didn't get anything out of winning besides being "published." My mom is gullible.
I've been pulled over
My dad was fined for throwing grass clippings at town hall.
I have an unusual talent
I have a hitchhicker's thumb. That's not a talent though, it's just genetics.
I went to the movies this month
I actually watched a movie this month which is unusual for me |