I figured I would make a thread for it since we've been mentioning it a lot. The Forest updated today! Old save files are once again incompatible so we all loose all of our progress, but oh well.
Voice chat was added to the game itself so we don't have to use Skype and the Forest now for co op.
They've added rope climbing, and made a lot of the caves inaccessible without rope. They also replaced Treehouse steps with climbing rope. I really hope the rope climb mechanic is well planned because otherwise this is really going to suck. Not that the treehouse stairs were useful.
Some buildings now have platforms so you can have them flat and adjust their heights.
Tweaked enemy density in caves
This scares me.
New creature added! - Check the caves.
This scares me more.
Re-worked save game system so future updates will (likely) not erase save games to work!
(multiplayer) default player cap increased to 8 along with option to go up to 128 players (for adventurous players only! not recommended)
d ( i n o s r o a ) r "She essentially tore apart the Hex Girls with a simple STAT" LUCK CREATOR | HEART HACKER | BUY GOLD BYE
This update added tree bridges! You can build bridges from tree to tree. That's cool. I built a basic treehouse and the rope worked fine, but it still required all the lumber for the stairs. I found a few other new bugs, but the new foundations for certain buldings look really cool (but take an insane amount of logs)
d ( i n o s r o a ) r "She essentially tore apart the Hex Girls with a simple STAT" LUCK CREATOR | HEART HACKER | BUY GOLD BYE
Wondering if the new laptop I ordered will be able to run it.
NVidia GeForce GTX 560
There are lower graphic settings and adjustments. I haven't tried them, but they're probably alright.
I did have a memory leak problem once a while back, which is a common-ish problem. My FPS dropped to about 6 eventually right after I tried cave diving. I think its because I was attempting to burn down the forest on that save just for the hell of it.
A great way to get used to the game if you're afraid of dealing with the things is to use veganmode. Type veganmode in the main menu and they won't spawn. I like it for when I'm trying to finish buildings from coop.
d ( i n o s r o a ) r "She essentially tore apart the Hex Girls with a simple STAT" LUCK CREATOR | HEART HACKER | BUY GOLD BYE
Played for a bit last night with Curtis and then continued the save in single player. we built a Log cabin on a huge platform and connected it to a tree platform. It was pretty nice.
Tree bridges weren't working for us in co op but I got it to work in singleplayer. Really glitchy to put down, and they require a lot of logs, and I THINK I had to have both platforms it connected to built, but once the blueprints were up it went smoothly as any other building project and turned out pretty nicely. I didn't have any glitching with actually using it. I was pretty surprised how well it worked since it was at a weird angle.
I think there's a huge amount of new possibilities with the new patch. I'm also really curious how long the bridges can be before the game tells you to go fuck yourself.
d ( i n o s r o a ) r "She essentially tore apart the Hex Girls with a simple STAT" LUCK CREATOR | HEART HACKER | BUY GOLD BYE
Just found a map someone posted somewhere. It's the most up-to-date/accurate I've found. Not quite right after the new patch but the closest I've found.
d ( i n o s r o a ) r "She essentially tore apart the Hex Girls with a simple STAT" LUCK CREATOR | HEART HACKER | BUY GOLD BYE
I THINK these are about right:
Yellow is the rough area where we built the huge Fortress
Green is the safe haven we almost built that giant gazebo on
Pink is where we built the cabin in the sky
And I THINK cyan is the music lake where we built that one fort on the cliff.
d ( i n o s r o a ) r "She essentially tore apart the Hex Girls with a simple STAT" LUCK CREATOR | HEART HACKER | BUY GOLD BYE
I don't like to play looking at a map but I like to look at them after. I'm actually sorta confused. Either I found the new lake zone mentioned in the change log and they altered the area a lot, or one of those ponds is actually huge.
I'm leaning towards new lake though. It's a really glitchy one with trees sticking out of it that almost everything else in the game doesn't seem to realize is water. That describes most water areas, but theres no effort by the game to stop things from spawning right in the lake at all
d ( i n o s r o a ) r "She essentially tore apart the Hex Girls with a simple STAT" LUCK CREATOR | HEART HACKER | BUY GOLD BYE
Last night I tried to explore a cave, but the FPS dropped to 3. I know it was that because I was trying to record it and my recorder lists the FPS. After engaging in a battle it dropped to 0, and then I still won.
There's a problem where sometimes the game has a memory leak. Reloading works when that happens but if the problems were there at the start, idk
d ( i n o s r o a ) r "She essentially tore apart the Hex Girls with a simple STAT" LUCK CREATOR | HEART HACKER | BUY GOLD BYE
I was testing out a glitch that allowed me to ascend to the heavens, but something went wrong, I was killed in the sky, and awoke in a cave. In the cave I found a treasure trove of flares and meds. Then, while trying to escape, I was suddenly underwater and my flashlight wouldnt work, so I pulled out my lighter. Soon I was ascending once again, still submerged, and found myself once again above the surface, in the ocean. But wait! I wasn't at the surface, I was still below it, but above the cave. I could see my one fort from below it. I tried to run towards it, but I fell once again into the cave, as a strange light glowed within. I was above the cave and within it at the same time. Then I fell once again, into a void sea of black, a glowing sphere of sky shrinking above me as I fell through infinity.
This game is so fucking glitchy
d ( i n o s r o a ) r "She essentially tore apart the Hex Girls with a simple STAT" LUCK CREATOR | HEART HACKER | BUY GOLD BYE
I wanted to finish up a few things before the update tomorrow(/today?). I had a temporary camp set up for no real reason. A fire and a hunting shelter in a little corner, back to a cliff, on one of the less populated beaches. I was minding my own business, murdering lizards for their skin and feasting on their fleshy innards. The usual. Suddenly I get attacked by a very small raiding party, just two guys. One with the club, one with the fire stick. I didn't have much for weapons in this save. My plane axe went missing and all I had was a slow stone axe, and I was out of cloth. I was struggling with club guy, so when the starving lady showed up and took my side in the fight, I let her take on club guy and went after fire guy. I walked over, hoping to sneak up on him since I didn't feel like catching on fire.
He was standing in front of my hunting shelter. He took his fire stick and attacked the shelter, and lit it on fire. It turned out he was too close, and he caught on fire himself. Right after he burned to death, my shelter fell apart.
I heard about structures getting destroyed before, but never saw it until now. It was awesome.
d ( i n o s r o a ) r "She essentially tore apart the Hex Girls with a simple STAT" LUCK CREATOR | HEART HACKER | BUY GOLD BYE
Nah, that's the only hint they've given on future updates. There's a new update every 15-20 days and they usually contain a lot of bug fixes, new features and more each time. We'll know in about 5 hours what the new update contains
d ( i n o s r o a ) r "She essentially tore apart the Hex Girls with a simple STAT" LUCK CREATOR | HEART HACKER | BUY GOLD BYE
v0.11- Custom foundations, new wall building system, multiplayer host saving, squirrels!! And more...
Community Announcements - Dishmink
Hey Everyone,
This patch introduces our new experimental walls and custom foundations, you can find them deeper in the custom building section of the survival manual. These are a work in progress so haven’t fully replaced the old systems just yet. The new wall system gives you complete control over angle and position of walls, is massively faster to place, conforms to terrain and gives you the option to change from wall/doorway/window whilst in blueprint mode. We’re really excited to hear what you all think of these, and to see how this changes the bases you construct, as well as which improvements you’d like to see.
Other additions include a new animal type, multiplayer host save/load system, gameplay balance, new textures, more grass! and a bunch more stuff, all listed below
Save files from 0.10 should continue to work fine in this update! but if you notice anything weird start a new game to ensure everything is up to date
As always, please continue to post your bug reports and feedback in the Discussions area of the Community Hub or send them in to support@endnightgame.com
Version 0.11 Changelog:
New buildable item: Experimental walls! (single player)
New buildable item: Custom foundations!(single player)
Multiplayer save/load added Note: Currently limited to server being able to load the savegame, clients will start game fresh each time but still be able to enter a previously saved hosts game. Server/host will be able to save state of game world/structures.
Steamworks saving to cloud added - Regular save/load still works however it will now try and load from cloud first and pick most recent file (We’ve just hit the checkbox to enable this, it should be available soon)
Improved bridge snapping to be more responsive and less chance of it snapping to wrong position and improved visual feedback
Fixed wooden path blueprint not saving
You can now use the walkman as a distraction device. Stick it to a tree, confuse your enemies! Attach to a trap and lure them to it.
Re-worked title screen and cleaned up button animations
New options menu, with more organized layout
Added grass density slider to options menu - newer graphics cards can turn this up for better looking grass.
Player can now attack whilst crouched improving stealth kills
New animal added: Squirrells
Fixed bug where some animals wouldn’t show up
Improved look of ponds
Deer now have more health and will attempt to flee if you hit them
Killing deer will now attract skinny mutants who may attempt to feed on the carcass
Skin from deer can now be collected and worn
Deer skin will keep players warm if worn, can mix/match lizard skin and deer skin
New item added: Generic meat (can be sourced from deer or raccoons)
New item added : Wrist watch (can be found in luggage, or on some dead passengers) - use as crafting ingredient (such as on timed explosive)
Changed recipe for timed explosive to include watch
Audio - new cave sound effects added
Audio - Improved cave ambient audio fade out zones
Audio - Fixed audio slider in options menu not working correctly
Audio - Reverb added to cave sound effects
Audio - All sound effects now fade out on player death
Audio - Tuned levels of weapons, footsteps
Audio - Made frog sounds quieter,less frequent and less annoying
Audio - Lowered chance to cave combat music playing
Audio-Fixed suitcase open sound using flesh hit sound effect
Skinny enemies - increased speed, added in some missing animations. Increased health
slightly. Will now travel in groups of up to 3 making them more of a threat.
Pale cave enemies faster, more health and increased hit damage
Improved geese lake layout, new rocks and details
New ground textures! - improved parallax mapping, and better blending - switch to relief or lower if there’s any slow down with this (via options menu)
New rock detail textures added to most rocks
New pine tree and pine tree moss textures and improved look of (some) dead trees
Major re-work of cave2 environment, more interesting rooms, better layout of rocks, new rock types and better flow through areas. Added small water falls
Armsy will now sometimes tear down trees
Reduced chance that regular cannibals will flee after player kills one of their group
Fixed skinny cannibals sometimes having leader props on dead body
Fixed some instances of enemies stuck not doing anything
Fixed bug where player would have issues climbing rope if cold and shaking
(multiplayer) Fixed log duplication bug, where it was possible to spawn multiple logs when picking up up a log
Fixed issue where you couldn’t pick up rabbits. You can now take rabbits out of traps or out of cages.
d ( i n o s r o a ) r "She essentially tore apart the Hex Girls with a simple STAT" LUCK CREATOR | HEART HACKER | BUY GOLD BYE