wow, through with season 1! what a ride, I loved it obviously for the western setting but also for the mystery and the characters. and those twists were right up my alley. when william was revealed to doloris, that hat-scene, powerful! certainly great stuff! now that doloris has really gained consciousness, the war started and I'm sure it's getting pretty damn bloody in there very soon. only very soon is far away for us, unfortunately.
kind of hoped to see it back later this year, but apparently it might take until late in 2018. le sigh, totally worth the wait though.
I'm rewatching it again with my gf, will give more thoughts on season 2's direction later. right now I'm thinking that corporation is gonna try to nuke the place or something, taking just a few of the hosts and technology so they can build another place or use it for other purposes, etc. their goal in the first place. but it won't be that easy no more.
anyhow, great show! |