I need a clear definition on grand larceny. Are we going based off of our locale? For example, the US definition is $400 or more, but Virginia has any amount over $5 from a person.
Committed grand larceny - nope
Cheated on my partner - nope
Had a sexual dream about a friend - yep
Taken credit for someone else's work - nope
Cheated on a test/exam - nope
Keyed someone's car - yep, and they deserved it
Slashed someone's tire - nope, they didn't deserve it that much
Gone sky diving - not yet
Read anything in the Igor Hip Hop thread - yep, and responded, but not hip hop related. don't listen to it.
Cried in public - pretty sure i have, but not memorable.
Used the world as your toilet - yep
Been paint balling - yep. good times
Had sex somewhere in public - yep. graveyard sex
Gave someone a wrong number on purpose - nope
Got into an elevator and quickly shut the door so no one else could get on with you - I'm the opposite. I hate when the elevator slams on me, so I'll hold it open for people