I have been on the radio or TV - Yes. When I auditioned for Endurance and made the top 20, they threw my audition video on tv for an advertising commercial
I have had a near-death experience - Nope
I have saved someone from near-death - I wish, but no
I have had something valuable stolen from me - My Pokemon cards (twice) when I was younger. Those cards would be worth hundreds/thousands now. Pissed. Also, got my iPod stolen at school before.
I have had to dial 911 - Nope
I have written someone a letter - Thank you letters and I wrote to Jeff a lot when we were long distance/when he went off to Survivor
I have snuck into a movie - Yep, but only because the other movie was terrible. So, technically I paid for a movie, I just didn't pay for the one I saw
I have been in a car crash - Yes. Lady slammed on her brakes for a prairie dog at a green light and I slammed into the back of her and totaled my car. I went to the car to make sure she was okay and the first thing she says, "I hope the prairie dog is okay!"
I have visited another country - Rwanda, Mexico, Ireland, Amsterdam, and I know the Bahamas aren't another country, but it's still kinda outside the US
I can fluently speak another language - Got to Spanish 4 in HS but I don't remember most of it
I am double jointed - In some fingers, but that's it
I can roll my tongue - Yes
I have ran away from home - If moving across the country against your family's wishes in running away, then yes. But I've never outright run away with just the clothes on my back and never returned
I have gotten suspended from school - Worst I got was ISS for throwing a snowball at some kid
I would rather live in a different country than the one I'm in - No way, but if I was forced to, I'd have a few in mind
I have completed a videogame in the past month - Yes, Life Is Strange |