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Kevin Spacey
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The Butcher
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Post #1: 31st Oct 2017 7:21 PM 
Igor...what happened man???
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The Butcher
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Post #2: 31st Oct 2017 7:21 PM 
Bryce @ 31/10/2017 20:21
Igor...what happened man???

This is not the Yul I stanned only a few months ago.
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The Butcher
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Post #3: 1st Nov 2017 5:58 PM 
I'm aligned with Wikey's bigger post.

1. I get the hostility from Igor is rubbing people wrong. But this thread seems less about working toward an actual "what we can do about this" solution and more of a bashing of Igor because you don't like him. Every person that seems to go against what he's saying seems to be doing so with an attack of his character rather than an actual stance on the situation. I won't say you're wrong and anyone can think whatever about Igor, but this thread got real silly. I feel a lot of the things said were putting words in his mouth. The sexist stuff I didn't actually think was being said seriously and I think may have more to do with other posts than in this thread. But like Igor flipped it on Zersch's comment, I think that's what is being done and it's odd. Igor was talking about this specific instance, so of course he wasn't talking about the broad spectrum of sexual assault victims. If you asked him about females and not about the Kevin Spacey incident, I'm sure he would have different things to say.

2. One of my closest friends was raped at a party once and she went through the same issues of who do you go to. But she is aware that bringing a case like that to trial really does nothing at all because it becomes a your word against his situation. And that's really sad to me. There is nothing really to be done except try to talk to any ear that will listen and hoping something prevails.

3. I agree with Nofo about if someone were to tell me they were sexually assaulted, I would immediately side with them.
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The Butcher
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Post #4: 1st Nov 2017 6:06 PM 
I don't know if there is discussion to be had about whether or not someone should pay for what they did years ago.

In this instance, it's really tough to judge since it's something so serious and life-altering to the victim. But I think of a few instances of things said or done by people and how, even though they have potentially changed, grown, matured, etc, something dark from their past comes up and can ruin their reputation and potentially their current lives.

Or that time people used Trump's pussy grabbing line against him during elections. It wasn't said during his campaign, it was many years prior yet still brought to the surface and used as a reason why he shouldn't be president. (FTR I am not defending Trump as a person OR his qualifications as our President. I think his actions speak loud and clear on that. But this was just another example).

I'd be interested to hear people's responses.
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The Butcher
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Post #5: 1st Nov 2017 7:11 PM 
Ahoda @ 1/11/2017 19:31
Bryce you do realize Igor started the attack of character.......right?

I didn't say he didn't also attack character. I think he more said petty names though.

I was saying what seemed to be driving most of the conversation was dislike of Igor rather than actual discussion. That should be how my post reads.
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The Butcher
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Post #6: 2nd Nov 2017 2:09 PM 
What's an SJW?
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The Butcher
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Post #7: 2nd Nov 2017 2:12 PM 
I google'd it
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Post #8: 2nd Nov 2017 5:16 PM 
Vic @ 2/11/2017 17:54
curious why this is in the movie thread

what's the reasoning for this

Ask Curtis. I thought the same thing
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The Butcher
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Post #9: 9th Nov 2017 8:35 PM 
Henry_42 @ 9/11/2017 19:46
we should do some lottery....who will be the next best top sex offender celebrity?

10 bucks on tarantino! women will say that he asked them to put their feet into his mouth if they wanted a role in his movies.

This sounds like Celebrity Death Pool but with sex offenders
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The Butcher
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Post #10: 9th Nov 2017 10:09 PM 
Mads @ 3/11/2017 16:00
You guys it’s fine to disagree with one another but resorting to personal attacks does nothing but embarrass everyone.

Finally caught up. Saw this. Found it slightly ironic, interesting, and instead of blanket statement, call em out!! ;)
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The Butcher
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Post #11: 9th Nov 2017 10:12 PM 
Igor @ 9/11/2017 22:58
Good, idea. Lets get all the boys in high school in one room and tell society expects them to be rapists. Sexism at it's finest.

I don't think that's exactly what she was saying, but I get your point.
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The Butcher
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Post #12: 10th Nov 2017 12:41 AM 
Hanzo back to snipe
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