I went to the movies last month:
Yes I did. I went and saw Insidious 2 which was actually a lot better than I expected.
I'm buying a PS4:
Like Curtis I haven't decided but either way I won't be buying one for a while. I'm more inclined to buy PS4 based off things I've heard, but I've had an Xbox since the original came out and I like it better. But I need to research a lot more and see what games will be strictly to each system.
I'm buying an Xbox One:
See above.
I have more than one pet:
Used to have 2 dogs, but not anymore.
I've been on a diet:
Nope, just a lot of exercise and bad eating!!!
I can't handle scary movies:
I'm actually not scared by them. I love going to them to watch the people around me because I think it's funny. I'm always the guy that is pushed tot he front of the line in Haunted Houses.
I've read the same book more than once:
I hate reading but I have read the first Harry Potter book twice to get back into the series.
My sleep schedule is terrible:
It was good for a while and I got acclimated to going to bed early, but homework has been rude to me this semester.
I have a vacation planned:
Going to a wedding in California next month!!
I like Yoohoo: