Committed grand larceny - No!
Cheated on my partner - Yes. Once. Not proud of it.
Had a sexual dream about a friend - Yes
Taken credit for someone else's work - Nope, but I've had it done to me too many times.
Cheated on a test/exam - Once in AP Econ in high school but literally the entire class did because our teacher was horrible. We passed around a TI-89 with all the answers entered in. So messed up...
Keyed someone's car - Never--I'm not Carrie Underwood!
Slashed someone's tire - No!!!!
Gone sky diving - Nope, never would either. Heights are no bueno.
Read anything in the Igor Hip Hop thread - A couple times
Cried in public - Yeah I cried on the metro recently and it was pretty embarrassing.
Used the world as your toilet - I backpack pretty much every summer, so yes definitely on many occasions.
Been paint balling - Nope, doesn't really appeal.
Had sex somewhere in public - Nope, not my style.
Gave someone a wrong number on purpose - Nope--if I didn't want them to have it I just wouldn't give it out. I did it on accident once though.
Got into an elevator and quickly shut the door so no one else could get on with you - Quite a few times, especially at work. | I know’s shameful. With my best friend. |