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#FEMINAZI's; No boys allowed
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The Last Snowcrab
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Post #1: 27th Jan 2015 10:40 PM 
Not sure about the US, but in Iceland being drunk isn't an excuse, drunk consent = consent, if you decide to buy a house drunk the house is bought, et.c.
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The Last Snowcrab
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Post #2: 28th Jan 2015 1:23 AM 
Malion @ 27/1/2015 21:47
Chris25 @ 28/1/2015 1:38
Malion @ 28/1/2015 0:12
a woman gets fucking wasted to the point where she can't even speak and some guy has sex with her. That's taking advantage of them. Bringing up a separate example doesn't change that fact. This isn't about some girl making up a rape lie to excuse some sex she had.

You say drunk guy and drunk girl but that's not even always the case. Would it matter to you if the guy had full control of his motor functions and reasoning skills and she could barely stand up or is a yes a yes for you?

We're obviously talking about two completely different scenarios.

This is a complex issue specifically because there are so many little things and small details that can come into play and the same situation could possibly never play out the same way twice.

I don't think this is a black and white issue and we can go back and forth all night changing small details of the story to twist the scenario to make our argument.

I agree that it isn't black and white but that's exactly why I was against the blanketed statement of drunk consent = consent. It turns from a he said she said into a he said That she said but she doesn't remember... which to me is a situation that nobody wants to be put into (unless that's what they were aiming for)

The thing is that if you are responsible for yourself, if you put yourself into a state where you can't control yourself intentionally, it was your choice and you are responsible.
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The Last Snowcrab
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Post #3: 29th Jan 2015 12:37 AM 
Nofo ☭ @ 28/1/2015 17:05
Boc @ 28/1/2015 21:02
Nofo ☭ @ 27/1/2015 23:39
Boc @ 27/1/2015 22:40
The punishment for false accusations should be equal to if not greater than a sentence for a rape charge tbh.


It's a terrible thing but a guy who ruins a girl's life, trust for other people, and scars her for life should not get off easier than the very few women with mental health issues who would falsely accuse someone of that. Bullshit, Boc. People are raped every single day and COPS COVER THAT SHIT UP. There is a 10 year backlog of rapekits, did you know that? People are less likely to believe the women. Natalie said that cops will believe the woman. That's not fucking true.


Oh, so all women who falsely accuse have mental health issues now? That's convenient. I'm not even comparing the two crimes per se, but if a woman wants to a ruin a guy's life then if the lie gets found out she should have her life ruined in the same way. How is that not fair?

The second part of your post has absolutely nothing to do with what I was saying

Malion @ 27/1/2015 22:40
You wouldn't have a discussion about break-ins and half the posts talk about insurance fraud and people stealing their own things or leaving their doors unlocked intentionally... but people sure do seem to jump the gun at undermining rape cases by saying "wellll what if she's lying she is a woman afterall"..

Where did I say that every woman who accuses should immediately be doubted? (I mean, technically, they should just like any other crime in existence, because that's how the justice system works) I was talking about women that ACTUALLY falsely accuse. You sure do like strawmen Mal!

My issue was not with you asking for equal punishment, my issue was with the sexist "if not worse" you added onto it.

How is that sexist?

In fact it was you who were talking about sex, saying that a "guy" who rapes and "women with mental health issues".
As if only men can rape and only women can falsely accuse people.
You're the only one being sexist...

And how is your life not ruined and your trust not shattered if you're convicted and sentenced for up to a life of imprisonment for a crime you did not commit?
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The Last Snowcrab
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Post #4: 29th Jan 2015 12:43 AM 
It's in the quote Nofo
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The Last Snowcrab
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Post #5: 22nd May 2015 3:33 AM 
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