Friends of FE. The bot menace didn't get quelled despite my best efforts and promises. As a matter of fact things have escalated to the point where as you know, bots are no longer a mere passing joke. There are probably more bots on FE now than people. Though they still remain relatively silent, it's only a matter of time until they strike.
I took the liberty of organising a research operation. The mission? To investigate the bots and see how they exist in their natural habitat. The preliminary results have just started coming into me and I can only say that they're...surprising to say the least.
It seems that the bots are no longer the tin cans of old who bleep and bloop. These bots aren't even the faceless scripts that run in the background and destroy our free bandwidth, mail us viagra listings and attempt to seduce us via Instant Messenger. These bots have evolved beyond that. They no longer are mere random snippets of nothing. They have an entire ecosystem now.
It seems each bot is as unique as the last. Sure, to the untrained eye, bttrtqqw and rhlrksgf are one and the same. But they are in fact different. The differences are subtle, but if you study them, they exist! The further along the bot heirarchy you get, the more diverse these beings become.
It's necessary to catalogue these beings and observe them in life and play. Only then can we hope to learn all there is to know about the bot ecology and live together with them in peace and harmony. In this new world the bots are not our enemies, they are our beaten, weakened and captured slaves whom we intend to make fight until they pass out cold. Using sophisticated bot balls, we will one day capture one of every bot and conquer the entire internet.
But we're getting ahead of ourselves once again. I will be releasing the results of our studies, bot by bot. Some of these creatures are truly astounding.
No. 012: Gaptrathpug
Scavenger Botémon
Despite its consistently confused expression, Gaptrathpug is a wily and agile scavenger and thief. The expression is believed to have evolved as a defense mechanism in case it is caught with a part it has taken. They are persistent pests who take bolts, wires and other trinkets left behind in the aftermath of Botémon battles. Why they collect these, and what they intend to use them for remains a mystery.
The long muscular legs do not allow it to run very fast, but its agility comes from its ability to leap great distances. A fully grown Gaptrathpug can leap in between rooftops with single, steady bounds. Even the infant ones are able to escape by charging the energy it takes to jump in very short bursts. The mechanism via which Gaptrathpug stores this energy is also a current mystery.