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#FEMINAZI's; No boys allowed
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Post #1: 27th Jan 2015 11:45 AM 
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Post #2: 27th Jan 2015 11:51 AM 
Chris25 @ 27/1/2015 3:10

This poor bastard didnt get to play in the NFL because of false rape accusations... this is a fucking epidemic

I know right? Usually they just beat their wives and keep playing, what happened here?
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Post #3: 27th Jan 2015 12:33 PM 
PORL @ 27/1/2015 13:14
Malion @ 27/1/2015 12:51
Chris25 @ 27/1/2015 3:10

This poor bastard didnt get to play in the NFL because of false rape accusations... this is a fucking epidemic

I know right? Usually they just beat their wives and keep playing, what happened here?

Generalisations are shitty on all sides. Defending an issue should never lead to that.

Sure? Normally I'd agree but I figured the argument at hand deserved no less than an equally silly exaggerated response.
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Post #4: 27th Jan 2015 1:33 PM 
Dylan @ 27/1/2015 14:22
Or Korr was the one who posted it on Craigslist and he is more or less a celebrity.

Indeed perhaps he posted it in 2007 and even at that time it had still happened a few years prior to that.
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Post #5: 27th Jan 2015 2:48 PM 
Chris25 @ 27/1/2015 15:24
Malion @ 27/1/2015 12:33
PORL @ 27/1/2015 13:14
Malion @ 27/1/2015 12:51
Chris25 @ 27/1/2015 3:10

This poor bastard didnt get to play in the NFL because of false rape accusations... this is a fucking epidemic

I know right? Usually they just beat their wives and keep playing, what happened here?

Generalisations are shitty on all sides. Defending an issue should never lead to that.

Sure? Normally I'd agree but I figured the argument at hand deserved no less than an equally silly exaggerated response.

Going to prison for 5 years because of false rape accusations deserves a silly exaggerated response?


You calling what is at best a incredible exception to what normally happens an "epidemic" was what deserved an equally silly generalization.

Actually I'll shoot straight with you... at first I thought you were being sarcastic because of how you phrased your commentary,
"oh this poor soul cannot play the footballs anymore the world is over #MENINIST"
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Post #6: 27th Jan 2015 3:43 PM 
Chris25 @ 27/1/2015 16:36
So, in other words, because women HARDLY EVER *cough cough* falsely accuse men of rape, then sending a man to prison for 5 years and ruining his life isnt a big deal at all?

I didn't see that bit at first as I explained, your post made it sound way less serious.. It was fucked up that he went to jail for something he didn't do but it's also fucked up all the people who get away with similar things in the same field. Fucked up shit happens and I often bring them up and discuss them at length only to be told to more or less fuck off but god forbid I make a counterpoint exaggeration about a post that honestly was phrased like a fucking joke.
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Post #7: 27th Jan 2015 4:46 PM 
Kru @ 27/1/2015 17:25
Guys what happened to Innocent until proven guilty?

Well he did plead guilty.
If he had pled innocent he probably would have been fine they would have probably drug this girl through the mud and found some way out of it... then again the judge might have thought he was a thug or something (because black) so there is always that to have to be aware of (but that's another discussion.)
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Post #8: 27th Jan 2015 5:07 PM 
Curtis @ 27/1/2015 18:01
chris raped me

what were you wearing at the time? you might have been sending him mixed signals.
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Post #9: 27th Jan 2015 5:20 PM 
JJ @ 27/1/2015 18:00
Chris25 @ 27/1/2015 16:17
JJ @ 27/1/2015 16:05
Chris25 @ 27/1/2015 15:36
So, in other words, because women HARDLY EVER *cough cough* falsely accuse men of rape, then sending a man to prison for 5 years and ruining his life isnt a big deal at all?

It's too bad for him if he's truly innocent. A lot of people are falsely imprisoned and that really sucks but this is truly an exception. The percentage of rape accusations that are false is very small. The percentage of women who are raped and never report it, however. That's alarmingly high and people with attitudes like yours is part of the reason. This is hilarious to men I guess but it's not so funny if you're a woman and have ever been afraid of a man for any reason. And I'd put money on the fact that every single woman has been at some point in her life.

He was truly innocent because the accuser recanted her statement after he had been in prison for 5 years and was on probation for 5 years.

I don't understand how my "attitude" of believing that women shouldnt make false rape claims and ruin people's lives is keeping women from reporting their own rape. But hey, if thats how the world works then whatever.

As far as all the women that have been afraid of a man at some point or another id just like to say.

I apologize that I am a man, I really didnt have much of a choice in the matter. Please don't use your fear as a justification to falsely accuse me of rape and ruin my life, thank you.

I'm not disagreeing with the opinion that women shouldn't make false rape claims, or that anyone shouldn't make any kind of false allegations toward anyone else. What I disagree with is you generalizing false rape accusations as if it's a common occurrence....but I'm pretty sure you already know that and just wanted to argue.

I forgive you for being a man.

This was my problem too... false rape accusations are on par percentage wise with most other crimes... false theft claims, false accusations of assault or even murder.

But the thing is I've never seen a post talking about false accusations of theft or murder and how they are a persistent problem. They are generally viewed as the outliers and are not lumped together as if they are some common issue that people have to deal with.

You wouldn't say "I hope nobody accuses me of theft or assault and ruins my life." It's often Rape that is trivialized in this way by associating the actual crime of rape with these dubious claims as if to paint the entire phenomenon as some random happenstance occurrence brought on by a fickle populace who is just out to get you.
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Post #10: 27th Jan 2015 5:54 PM 
Chris25 @ 27/1/2015 18:46
Ok, so here's a story that actually happened when i was living in Bowling Green, so be forewarned because its going to be a little bit of a long read, but its fucking worth it.

My roommate's friend volunteered as a rape counselor for the college. I would always harass him and try to get him to tell me stories because I wanted to know the fucked up shit that went on over there. He always told me that he had to take an oath or some shit that he would never tell anyone about anything he experienced as a counselor, but that didn't stop me from bugging him about it

One day after about a year of him being a counselor he comes over to our place and I can tell he wants to tell me something, so I start pestering him and he tells me this story. He was called in by the girl after the alleged rape had occurred so this is the story according to her.

This girl goes out to the bar with her friends on a Saturday night, has a few drinks, meets a guy she thinks is cute, the guy buys her drinks for awhile and they decide to go back to his place for sex.

They fuck once, completely consensual, no problem.

She wants to go again immediately afterwards, but hes having "performance issues" so she pulls out a large dildo from her purse that she has handy for such occasions (apparently?) and tells him to use it on her. He does, it was consensual, no problem.

They both fall asleep for a few hours, they wake up, she wants to go again. He gets it up, they fuck again, completely consensual, no problem.

She wants to go again immediately afterwards, he gives it the old college try but can't finish her off, so they get out the dildo to finish the job, consensual no problem

They fall asleep again for a couple hours, and wake up and she wants to go again, he says he physically cant.

She falls asleep at some point and then wakes up to him using the dildo on her.


She calls the police, the college, and the rape council center, she wants the dude arrested and thrown out of school.

The guy is like apologizing like crazy and crying and shit which apparently pisses her off even more. She tells the police this story, and they refuse to arrest the guy. She talks to the rape counselor and he doesnt say anything because hes only supposed to listen and not really offer advice.

She comes to the conclusion that if the police won't act she's going to make it her mission to get this guy thrown out of school and let all the other girls on campus know that this guy is a rapist so they wont go through the same thing that she had to.

100% true story

All I got out of that was this guy was listening to rape claims for over a year and only found one of them sketchy.
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Post #11: 27th Jan 2015 6:44 PM 
Oh I read it. The part where she got raped by this guy, perhaps not intentionally but it still happened and nobody took her claim seriously... not that they didn't believe her they just didn't consider it rape at all and the guy went on with his life and she probably just looked crazy so I really don't even see why this is even notable. It wasn't a false accusation, it was just a different interpretation of events. And it didn't lead to jail time or even anything like that so really the only one who came out of this dirtied was the girl herself.
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Post #12: 27th Jan 2015 11:40 PM 
Boc @ 27/1/2015 22:40
even if false accusations are as "rare" as some of you are saying (which, how can you even prove that any more than you can prove that there's so many unreported?) is that the false accusers get off so lightly most of the time. Like in that Brian Banks case that Chris posted, she didn't get any criminal charges levied against her. The worst "penalty" she got was that she got sued and lost the money she originally won for damages, but no jail time whatsoever. And even then that only happened because Banks secretly recorded her confession, he would've probably never gotten exonerated otherwise. The punishment for false accusations should be equal to if not greater than a sentence for a rape charge tbh. Otherwise, while committing perjury isn't exactly a risk-less thing to do, it's a whole lot less dangerous if you're only getting a relative slap on the wrist if you get found out

Do you really think rape claims are falsified more than other crimes? I certainly never hear about false crimes of other fashions in such great depth other than some special episode of dateline. You wouldn't have a discussion about break-ins and half the posts talk about insurance fraud and people stealing their own things or leaving their doors unlocked intentionally... but people sure do seem to jump the gun at undermining rape cases by saying "wellll what if she's lying she is a woman afterall".

As for your other point, sure whatever I think perjury should be a serious crime but that's not even strictly rape related and seems a little off-topic. Like you make a false report you pay the consequences, be it theft, assault, murder, etc.
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Post #13: 27th Jan 2015 11:42 PM 
Chris25 @ 27/1/2015 23:43
Mercator @ 27/1/2015 22:40
Not sure about the US, but in Iceland being drunk isn't an excuse, drunk consent = consent, if you decide to buy a house drunk the house is bought, et.c.

That is how it works in the US, the problem is that sometimes women get so drunk that they can't remember consenting and then try to claim they were raped after the fact

The problem is men taking advantage of drunk women (or even drugging them) and claiming they consented after the fact... which to me seems like the way more fucked up scenario and is just as likely in any of these circumstances.
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Post #14: 28th Jan 2015 12:12 AM 
a woman gets fucking wasted to the point where she can't even speak and some guy has sex with her. That's taking advantage of them. Bringing up a separate example doesn't change that fact. This isn't about some girl making up a rape lie to excuse some sex she had.

You say drunk guy and drunk girl but that's not even always the case. Would it matter to you if the guy had full control of his motor functions and reasoning skills and she could barely stand up or is a yes a yes for you?
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Post #15: 28th Jan 2015 12:47 AM 
Chris25 @ 28/1/2015 1:38
Malion @ 28/1/2015 0:12
a woman gets fucking wasted to the point where she can't even speak and some guy has sex with her. That's taking advantage of them. Bringing up a separate example doesn't change that fact. This isn't about some girl making up a rape lie to excuse some sex she had.

You say drunk guy and drunk girl but that's not even always the case. Would it matter to you if the guy had full control of his motor functions and reasoning skills and she could barely stand up or is a yes a yes for you?

We're obviously talking about two completely different scenarios.

This is a complex issue specifically because there are so many little things and small details that can come into play and the same situation could possibly never play out the same way twice.

I don't think this is a black and white issue and we can go back and forth all night changing small details of the story to twist the scenario to make our argument.

I agree that it isn't black and white but that's exactly why I was against the blanketed statement of drunk consent = consent. It turns from a he said she said into a he said That she said but she doesn't remember... which to me is a situation that nobody wants to be put into (unless that's what they were aiming for)
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