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Post #1: 11th Mar 2014 10:49 AM 
My life is just one big unpopular opinion.
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Post #2: 11th Mar 2014 8:06 PM 
I feel people shouldn't be forced to adhere to the standards of someone elses religion
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Post #3: 11th Mar 2014 9:55 PM 
If a ceremony can be done for 2 athiests by a judge in ancourtroom id hardly call it strictly a religious institution.
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Post #4: 11th Mar 2014 10:22 PM 
Chris25 @ 11/3/2014 22:09
In ever culture throughout history, marriage has been the union of a man and a woman that is inherently fulfilled by, and is intrinsically oriented to, the generation of children. The replication of two people cannot occur between two men or two women.

Do you also think two infertile people can't get married because no kids lol.

Like if marriage was just a whatever thing it wouldnt matter but because a lot of laws and rights favour people who are legally wed over those who are just dating or living together. To deny those rights to any pair of consenting adults because of religion is beyond silly. Seperation of church and state brah.
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Post #5: 11th Mar 2014 10:35 PM 
Jessica Christ
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Post #6: 12th Mar 2014 12:21 AM 
Dude adoption!
Something also often barred from homosexual couples.

I can tell this is going nowhere though so i'll drop it.
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Post #7: 12th Mar 2014 8:15 AM 
Hitler @ 12/3/2014 6:21

Unpopular? opinion: fat people cost too much and should be fat-taxed proportionate to how overweight they are. Arguments about muh genetics and muh thyroid are dismissed as lies. There is more health and nutrition information out there free than at any time in human history. Nobody else should have to pick up the tab for fat fucks because they didn't bother to eat healthy and exercise.

Are you just talking the uk because not all fat people have health issues or get/qualify for government assistance.

But can you imagine if the government invasively weighed people and taxed them accordingly? we'd have a rise of economicly driven bulemia. And fitness magazines would come across as a lot more dire.
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Post #8: 12th Mar 2014 8:24 AM 
Chris25 @ 12/3/2014 1:16
If we can change marriage in order to include one particular sexual minority, then why not change it to include any other sexual minority? If the male/female complementarity of marriage can be defined away, then why not the limitation to two people forming the marital union?

If the fidelity and commitment of same-sex couples must be formally recognized in the interests of equality, then why not the fidelity and commitment of polygamists, or polyamorists?

you know thats not a bad idea.
hell there is a ton of polygamy in the bible, jesus even likens himself to a polygamist looking for wives (plural) in one of his parables.

i say as long as all the people involved are consenting adults it shouldnt really matter if there are 3+ of them.

but i really dont get why you harp on re-definition of marriage and then bring up what is essentially old testiment marriage to a tee.
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Post #9: 12th Mar 2014 10:37 AM 
Pizza is fine with no toppings but so is grilled cheese... that doesnt mean a couple pepperonis won't make it better!
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Post #10: 12th Mar 2014 10:39 AM 
KC @ 12/3/2014 10:37
itsbrianyay @ 12/3/2014 8:35
but i eat plain hot dogs and hambugers

Hooray, I'm not alone on this!

I had ketchup when I was younger and thought it tasted like blood. Never used it again.

I dont like ketchup myself... but i put mayo on everything.
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Post #11: 12th Mar 2014 11:21 AM 
Matt @ 12/3/2014 11:07
Pepperoni on grilled cheese? The fuck?

Pepperoni is OKAY but more often than not I'll just take it off my pizza.

I like meat ok? Pepperonis can go pretty much on any meat/cheese based sandwich imo.
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Post #12: 12th Mar 2014 11:26 AM 
The thing about pizza is it's a tight rope to walk. If people like the pizza you like they'll eat your pizza at pizza parties! But if enough people don't like it they probably won't even buy that kind of pizza.

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Post #13: 12th Mar 2014 11:55 AM 
I have the diet of a 5 year old. Meat, bread, cheese and sugar.
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Post #14: 12th Mar 2014 11:57 AM 
Chris25 @ 12/3/2014 11:44
This isn't an unpopular opinion but i'd just like to get this out there since theres not really anything else i can say without sounding COMPLETELY BATSHIT CRAZY.

I'm very pro gay marriage, both my sister and one of my best friends from high school before he passed away were gay. I'm also basically an atheist i guess although i wouldn't really put a label on what i do or don't believe.

Ive just been trolling this whole thread, so yeah, this was pretty fun for me.

lol. I was going to say your first post seemed a bit silly in how it was worded but then idk. I live in the south and I hear that sort of shit constantly. lol
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Post #15: 13th Mar 2014 11:56 AM 
Yep 4011... 94011 if they're organic
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