I went to the movies last month: I think so. I saw Pacific Rim at a reduced price theatre.
I'm buying a PS4: It's possible. But I doubt it.
I'm buying an Xbox One: No.
I have more than one pet: Just one cat. As seen in FE Aid.
I've been on a diet: Yes. I was on a no-sugar diet when I was in middle school. To help with my ADHD. It really didn't work out.
I can't handle scary movies: I don't like being scared but I can usually handle most movies.
I've read the same book more than once: I'm sure I have. The Harry Potter books come to mind.
My sleep schedule is terrible: Just awful. My work schedule is so random that sometimes I go to bed late, and sometimes early.
I have a vacation planned: Me and my girlfriend keep wanting to go to Wizarding World... but the amount of money we need to save to take off work that long and whatnot just would be incredibly improbable right now.
I like Yoohoo: I doooo. |