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Pixar Binge
 Poll Question: Which are best?
The Incredibles
17 Votes
5 Votes
Cars 20 Votes
2 Votes
Inside Out
13 Votes
The Good Dinosaur
3 Votes
Cars 30 Votes
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Post #1: 27th Feb 2019 9:34 AM 
Hi, I was gonna bump this yesterday but wanted to get a few more in. I'm going to note that I'm not necessarily making this a Pixar exclusive binge. It's just a Disney binge. The main motivation for this came with Kingdom Hearts as I've been wanting to play KH3 but realized that I haven't really watched any animated Disney movies at all since the mid-2000's to get the newer worlds and references. Having now watched the ones featured in the game, it's more because they're generally good movies and I should probably watch them.

So far I've watched five. Here they are in the order I've liked them:

Inside Out
Big Hero 6
Wreck It Ralph

All of them were pretty good. Inside Out and Big Hero 6 stand out from the other three by a large margin, Inside Out in particular is probably up there as one of my favorite animated movies. Frozen kinda stunk at the start but got better as it went on. Wreck It Ralph had the opposite effect for me where it started off really strong then kind of took of a nosedive with the Sugar Rush garbage.

I'm thinking I'm going to dive into Monsters University and Ratatouille next. After that, probably The Incredibles, which I've only ever seen in Spanish, and the sequel, which I saw for about 15 minutes in the theater before my date had a seizure. idk what after that.
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Post #2: 27th Feb 2019 9:43 AM 
I actually was going to watch Cars this morning but it's not included in the package I'm watching these on. I wasn't wholly disappointed tbh.
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Post #3: 27th Feb 2019 12:48 PM 
+Monster University

Current rankings:

Inside Out
Big Hero 6
Wreck It Ralph
Monsters University

It was decent. Definitely the weakest so far. Monsters Inc is one of my favorite Pixar films and I went into this one with low expectations knowing it wouldn't be as good. I took as a way to spend some more time with characters I really like. The callbacks to the original were fun. The fraternity characters were pretty lame.
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Post #4: 11th Mar 2019 12:38 PM 


Inside Out
Big Hero 6
Wreck It Ralph
Monsters University

It was decent. I don't have a lot of bad to say about it but it definitely did not blow me away. I read through some trivia notes as I always do after I watch a movie and was shocked at how many accolades it got. Excuse me?
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Post #5: 12th Mar 2019 12:07 AM 
I'm going to add rewatches to this too as a lot of these movies are very blurry for me and I want to eventually have a list similar to Curtis' with rankings. My favorite animated movie growing up was Toy Story, which I have not seen in over 15 years (jeeeez....) so I rewatched that earlier today. It still holds up as a classic. I would honestly say it's still my favorite out of all these.

Commencing UP now, which I remember nothing about except the very emotional opening sequence.
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Post #6: 12th Mar 2019 6:19 AM 

Starting my list on letterboxd now that I have 10 movies under my belt. I will not be rating movies I already watched until I rewatch them. I've upped my ratings for all three Toy Story movies. I haven't seen the second one since I was a kid and forgot how good it was, I originally rated it as a 3 and bumped it to a 4. And I cannot put into words how great Toy Story 3 is. I really, really liked it when I saw it when it first came out. But after binging the entire series in one go, which I definitely have never done before... what a ride! That last sequence is still so powerful.

I fell asleep during Up (: I was exhausted. I'll watch it again sometime today.

I'm... still not 100% sure how far I'm going to go with this!
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Post #7: 12th Mar 2019 2:31 PM 
Herm @ 12/3/2019 11:55
No old school Disney movies?

This... is what I'm debating. I had just about every classic Disney movie on VHS when I was a kid and seen them all. Most of the princess ones are cheesy and I feel like would be a huge chore getting through. For right now I think I'll try to get through every computer animated movie from Disney and then go from there if I want to do all the classic ones too. It's gonna take awhile either way.

Up was good but I don't think it's one of the best of all time as it's usually rated. Unpopular opinion maybe but if it wasn't for that first 10 minutes to set everything up, I don't think it would have been as memorable. It was still great and higher on the list than most, but doesn't break Top 5 for me. Russell and Carl had fun chemistry and I liked the side characters.
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Post #8: 12th Mar 2019 4:06 PM 
Curtis laughs during sad movies
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Post #9: 12th Mar 2019 4:56 PM 
I never got emotional during movies at all when I was younger but I do now. A lot.
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Post #10: 12th Mar 2019 6:49 PM 
Going through some mid-2000 non-pixar Disney movies today. It's gonna be a long day :animal: Oof...
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Post #11: 12th Mar 2019 8:29 PM 
+Monsters, Inc.
+Meet the Robinsons
+Chicken Little

Updated rankings:

1. Toy Story 3
2. Toy Story
3. Inside Out
4. Big Hero 6
5. Monsters, Inc.
6. Toy Story 2
7. Up
8. Tangled
9. Wreck-It Ralph
10. Frozen
11. Ratatouille
12. Monsters University
13. Bolt
14. Meet the Robinsons
15. Chicken Little

Monsters, Inc - It was still as good as I remembered as a kid. Such a good movie, still a classic and creeps on into my Top 5. The idea of just recording a 2 year old fucking around and using it for Boo's dialogue is hilarious and worked so well.

Bolt - I went in wanting to hate Bolt but it actually turned out... ok? I thought it was gonna be a lame superhero dog movie but the fact that it wasn't at all was already a nice surprise. Not bad, but not great. The hamster was dumb. Susie Essman was funny.

Meet the Robinsons - It was just eh all around. I chuckled at the Tom Selleck gag. That's about it.

Chicken Little - It's bad.

Main reason I bothered with the last three is because they're the only computer animated Disney movies on Netflix at the moment. Aside from Coco. Which I'm hesitant to watch for some reason. And Incredibles 2, of which I still need to watch the original.
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Post #12: 13th Mar 2019 9:32 AM 


1. Toy Story 3 *****
2. Toy Story ****1/2
3. Inside Out ****1/2
4. Big Hero 6 ****
5. Monsters, Inc. ****
6. Toy Story 2 ****
7. Up ***1/2
8. Tangled ***1/2
9. Wreck-It Ralph ***1/2
10. Coco ***1/2
11. Frozen ***
12. Ratatouille ***
13. Monsters University ***
14. Bolt **1/2
15. Meet the Robinsons **1/2
16. Chicken Little *

...surprisingly really good! I guess it isn't a huge surprise seeing the accolades it got but I went in with no expectations whatsoever and didn't even know what it was about. Cute story. Main antagonist was darker than usual for Pixar and that twist was a gut punch. When it first started, I was getting vibes it was going to be Ratatouille with music instead of food for me but I'm glad it didn't turn out that way. Still towards the middle for me but still! Aside from the last three these are all really, really good movies.
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Post #13: 25th Mar 2019 10:26 AM 
+The Incredibles

1. Toy Story 3 *****
2. Toy Story ****1/2
3. Inside Out ****1/2
4. Big Hero 6 ****
5. Monsters, Inc. ****
6. Toy Story 2 ****
7. The Incredibles
8. Up ***1/2
9. Tangled ***1/2
10. Wreck-It Ralph ***1/2
11. Coco ***1/2
12. Frozen ***
13. Ratatouille ***
14. Monsters University ***
15. Bolt **1/2
16. Meet the Robinsons **1/2
17. Chicken Little *

Good movie! Way better than I expected it to be. Movie stayed fun and interesting throughout. And it was actually genuinely funny, Samuel L. Jackson's bits were hilarious. The gag with Elastigirl stuck between the doors was great. I'm looking forward to watching the sequel.
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Post #14: 13th Jun 2019 8:25 PM 
Oh yeah I need to continue this
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Post #15: 2nd Jul 2019 2:14 PM 
+Ralph Breaks the Internet

1. Toy Story 3 *****
2. Toy Story ****1/2
3. Inside Out ****1/2
4. Big Hero 6 ****
5. Monsters, Inc. ****
6. Toy Story 2 ****
7. The Incredibles
8. Up ***1/2
9. Tangled ***1/2
10. Wreck-It Ralph ***1/2
11. Coco ***1/2
12. Ralph Breaks the Interneyt
13. Frozen ***
14. Ratatouille ***
15. Monsters University ***
16. Bolt **1/2
17. Meet the Robinsons **1/2
18. Chicken Little *.
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