Shorts all the way. I always wear them in the summer and I'm almost always wearing a pair on around the house all year long.
Years ago when I was running URTV, Big Brother. Since BB11, it's gone downhill at a rapid rate. I can't even watch it anymore, which is very sad as I use to look forward to catching it every summer and it got me started in ORGs. I haven't ever missed a season of Survivor on the contrary and while there have been a lot of definite stinkers over the last few years, I can rely on Survivor holding my attention well enough and not have to constantly wonder who the producers are rigging for.
Oreo cream. I'm either eating cream first or dunking the whole thing in milk. The cookie just works well with the cream, it's pretty god damned bland on it's own.
I had a Droid 4 and positively hated it. I complained on here all the time when I had that fucking thing. I haven't had any issues with my iPhone at all aside from the two times I've cracked my screen, which was both my fault.
Waffles all the way. |