It's got a kickstarter up and is slated for a October 2016 release. Might be cool. Couple of us were talking about wanting to see an 80's-style slasher game not too long ago.
An extra bonus -- it's going to be a Damned-style game where one player is Jason and up to seven others play as counselors who depict various horror movie stereotypes.
Very good. Everything Dead by Daylight wishes it was. The whole PvP players vs. monster genre is still very new and is very difficult to get right, but this game FEELS right so far. It's extremely difficult fighting Jason, but he's slow enough to escape in the right situations. At the same time, his abilities keep you guessing as to when he's going to pop up next. It's always very possible to win, but it's also very easy to lose. There's a very even amount of times where Jason wins vs. the survivors winning. And of course since you can win by yourself, it makes for some scumbag situations where people can leave you in the dust to help themselves.
The communication feature is the absolute best part. Playing without Skype has been such a blast. Finding another person and being able to communicate with them after escaping a horrible fight with Jason is always an awesome feeling.
My favorite part so far was when Shadow was Jason and I literally crouched behind him watching him lumbering around following Curtis for the entire game. He never noticed me until i ran up to him and hit him on the dome with a machete while he was trying to get into Curtis' cabin. :shadow: