Good god was that fucking stupid. I saw Trish flipping since she wants LJ's dick, but I can't see any possible good reason for Tony to flip. This is the type of thing you do in the merge stages of the game, not in the middle of the tribal stages.
To be fair, the beauties on the other tribe are probably fucked so it could end up being a one-for-one situation. Course Trish is probably going to want Woo out next if Lindsey is indeed gone so that's irrelevant.
Never said she made a bad move! I was referring to Tony. I just feel like this was extremely hasty when Jeffra/LJ are total wildcards. It's not like those two are on the outs with the Beauties. If merge was tomorrow, people are likely going to target the Brawns since they have consistently been the strongest the whole game. That leaves Tony on the bottom anyway. I just feel like he (and even Trish, to an extent) would have had more room to maneuver otherwise. Now those two just imploded their tribe and have no guarantees of any long-term safety coming out of it. LJ himself even alluded to just doing whatever it takes to survive. Doesn't mean he'll return the favor. He might. But he'd have every reason not to.
LJ going after her made so little sense to me. Don't they usually separate those types of challenges between the sexes?
Yeah that was really weird. Then again, they chose to put a woman on the pole instead of just putting someone like Jeremy there. Dunno what the hell they were thinking.