It only makesh shense for Priggat to shtand behind you! I will keep up, besht I can, peshtel in tow.
C. Back of the pack
Wherever you go, I will follow my friendsh. But may I shuggest going up high and looking down below? As height dishadvantaged as I'sh am already, I can tell you that it'sh always sherved me well to shcope from high. Let'sh take a look at thoshe clliffsh!
But before we go, let me shcribe a meshshage in cashe we are shtuck here for good!
"Dear whomever it may conchern,
My name ish Priggat and I am an old, feeble ratfolk and the shole shurviving member of my mishief. Me and my friendsh have been marooned on an ishland. And I have dedicated the final yearsh of my life in keeping them safe with my peshtel in hand and potions on my shide. With the high poshshibility of thish being our home for the resht of our livesh, I have dechided to shcribe a meshshage to the lucky pershon who comesh acroshsh thish bottle. I do not write thish meshshage in hopesh of reshcue, but to give you hope. Know that me, Tuuluuwaq and Boobarella are all very happy, eshpechially knowing we shurvived together. I wish whomever readsh upon my shcribe is bleshshed with good luck and fortune for the resht of their daysh. And know that no matter how bad life may sheem, there is alwaysh good to come if you shtay poshitive. You can do thish. I know you can. Jusht take it from me, an old ratfolk will likely be back with hish mishief and little Marlo in the high skiesh by the time you read thish. Bleshsh you. And may the Godsh watch over you.
- Priggat" |