I drink coffee every morning
I've eaten fast food in the last 7 days
I have a tool box
Several. Use tools for a living.
Not much I can’t fix.
I have Hulu
I've driven an RV
I have fly paper hanging somewhere in my home
I've had my oil changed in the last three months
Yes. Used to own an Xpress Lube.
Change your oil people.
I have been affected by a natural disaster
Yes. Tornado
I always tip
Unless the service is just horrible I do.
My phone is less than two years old
I owned (or still own) a Polaroid camera
Yep. Not anymore
I have rented a storage space
Yep. Such a waste.
I've posted something on Facebook in the last 24 hours
Nope. Don’t do FB.
I'm excited for an upcoming movie or video game
I suck at Fortenite.
I regret something I've bought recently
I remember my dream last night